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[A/N: Damn, and I thought I was just going to write a fanfic that followed the seasons. I don't care though, it's turning out alright I think. Follow to keep updated<3]

-Derek Pov-

I got a call from Scott telling me to get to the hospital ASAP, he said something happened to Stiles. I knew instantly something terrible had happened as my wolf was in pain, he detected the emotions of Stiles. I ran all the way there anger making my blood boil.


I got there in under five minutes and ran to Melissa.

"Where the fuck is Stiles?" I growled at her, she knew what I was and what Scott was so it didn't take her by surprise, anybody else would have ran or passed out.

"He's in surgery... He has three broken ribs and there is glass stuck in his cheek." I take it my eyes flashed red and my wolf was coming out as Melissa grabbed me by the arm and dragged me into a supply room, "Derek... you need to calm down. Look at yourself."

I seen my reflection in the window. I was in my beta form, "who did that to him?" I growled, not caring if I scared the shit out of her or not. She flinched, took a step back and gulped.

"I- I can't tell you... I'm sorry it's just I-"

I cut her off by pinning her against the wall, I leaned down to her and growled, "I SAID WHO THE FUCK DID THAT TO MY MATE?" I couldn't keep in my anger or my wolf, my mate was in pain. Somebody hurt him, and I wasn't there to protect him.

Scott flew into the room and pushed me off of his mom, he was now in his beta form as well. "LEAVE MY MOM THE FUCK ALONE!" He yelled.



"TELL. ME. WHO. THE. FUCK. HURT. MY. MATE." My eyes were going more red by the second and Scott stood down and bowed his head in submission, I grew more tense as Scott was forced out of his beta form back to his human one.

"I will tell you but... You can't hurt him, he was drunk... and he means the world to Stiles, and if anything happened to him Stiles would die on the inside then kill himself on the outside. I nodded and got out of my beta form, knowing if I wouldn't kill the guy and Stiles wouldn't die of sadness.

"Who hurt him?" I whispered, my hands trembling.

"Noah..." Scott looked up at me to make sure I didn't run off to kill him, I wanted to, oh how much I want to. But I can't and I won't because it would hurt Stiles, and he would hate me. It took everything in me not to do it. I dug my claws deep into my palms, pain would keep my human side in check. I took in a deep breathe, held it in for a moment then slowly exhaled.

"I take it you marked him then?" Scott asked, trying to calm the atmosphere, I nodded slowly, "no wonder you went like that, your wolf?" He asked, I nodded again.

"I'm going to go check up on Stiles' surgery, I will be back with some info in a minute, okay?" She looked up at me and I nodded, again.

I slumped down on the floor and buried my face in my hands, Scott ran over to me and sat by my side, he patted my shoulder, "alpha?" He asked. I looked up at him surprised, he wanted to be in my pack. It gave me some sort of comfort, knowing that he cared, if he was a pack member and he patted my shoulder again it would automatically make me feel a lot better, wolves use physical touch for comfort.

He pulled up his sleeve and handed me his arm, I took it and bit down at it slowly, then licked the wound clean.

[A/N: My idea of pack marking, don't judge 🤷🏻‍♀️.]

He then bowed his head and accepted the pack mark, he then rubbed his head on my shoulder for comfort, we both calmed down a bit and then Melissa came back in. Tears were still rolling down my cheeks and my wolf was still angry and hurt.

"He's doing fine, his ribs will heal in the matter of months and the glass is out of his cheeks, he will have a few stitches there and that's about it, you can go see him now." I jumped up to my feet instantly, "oh and because you are a wolf and all, with you around him he will heal faster, so his ribs would take around a few weeks, maybe even days if he is around a pack, and the cuts on his cheek should be gone by tomorrow, if not next week.

I sniffed out Stiles' room instantly, and I found him crying softly to himself, curled up in a ball. (Mate... my wolf cried) The sight made tears roll down my cheeks faster. "Stiles?" I asked, he looked up and I seen a small smile form on his face. "Hi Der..." I smiled at the mini nickname.

"How are you doing?" He slowly sat up and winced, I was by his side within a second, I grabbed his arm and started to take his pain away, both emotional and physical. He pulled away from me to stop me from taking his pain.

"Derek, no. No taking my pain, okay?" I growled lightly and looked into his eyes, "I am meant to feel pain, it's the side affect of being human, don't take it to heart."

"No. You're in pain, and I'm pissed off. It's taking all my self control not to rip everybody's heads off..." I whined, he let out a soft chuckle.

"Awh, are you trying not to hurt anyone, to make me happy?" He cooed, I rolled my eyes and sat next to him, "you are so adorable." I glared at him and he bit back a laugh.

"Not helping. Let me take your pain." I growled softly.

"Nope." He made the 'p' pop. I needed to change the subject or I would get more pissed knowing he is feeling pain and won't let me doing anything to help. I hate feeling useless, it's the feeling I felt when I was with Kate and after what she did to me then murder my family.

"Scott submitted." I said. His eyes lit up, "COOL" he gasped, clapping his hands together, "when?"

"When you was in surgery."

"Have you heard of dry texters?"

"Yeah, people who text with no emotion." I knew I was a dry texter, I shrugged.

"Well, you are a very dry talker and texter."

"Okay." It didn't bother me.


"See what?"

"Never mind," he held his arms out for me, demanding a hug.

I crawled on top of him, making sure I didn't put all my weight on his ribs, he smiled and stroked my hair. I took in as much of his scent possible, and instantly felt the cloud of anger and pain wash away, I began to purr instinctively under his touch.

"You are a dry texter and talker but your wolf side is adorable," he patted my head and then continued to stroke my hair, we both fell asleep like that.

[A/N: I AM LITERALLY SCREAMING, IT'S SO ADORABLE. Follow to keep updated<3]

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