The Alpha

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[A/N: My Au messes up the timeline a bit so some parts are gonna be earlier or later then others in this, follow to keep updated<3]

-Derek Pov-

I'm not sure what I was playing at, I just kissed Stiles. What is wrong with me? He broke my stupid ass out of jail and instead of saying thank you like a normal person, I kissed him. Shit. I don't even know if the kid likes me. Is it normal to call him a kid although he's only what... 3 years younger then me, who cares, I have bigger issues to deal with right now.

"You want me to do what?!" Danny asked.

"Trace a text..." Stiles said innocently.

"I came here to do lab work... That's what lab partners do!"

"Yeah... And we will... Once you trace the text..."

"And what makes you think I know how?"

"I looked up your arrest report..." Now that's shockingly not shocking. "so..."

"I- I was 13, they dropped the charges!" He said defensively.

"Whatever" Stiles shrugged.

"No, we're doing lab work!"

"Oh my..." Stiles bit his fist, angrily, which was kinda cute.

They both turned to look at Stiles' computer screen and Danny glanced over his shoulder at me.

"I- Who's he again?"

"Umm... My cousin... Miguel?..." HUH. MIGUEL?! I'M GONNA TEACH THIS KID SOME MANNERS.

"Is that blood on his shirt?"

"Yeah, yes! Well, he gets these horrible nose bleeds..." I'm going to smack the shit out of this kid. "Hey Miguel..."

I looked up and grunted.

"I thought I told you you can borrow one of my t-shirts" WHAT IS HE PLAYING AT?!

I got up, and walked over to his shirt draw, don't ask why I know where it is I just know. I could feel Danny drooling over my shirtless back.

"So anyway" Stiles started, "I mean, we both know, you have the skills to trace that text" I could hear his smirk in his voice, as I searched through his shirts to find one that would fit. "So, we should probably..."

"Stiles?" I called irritated.


"This... no fit." I said pull at the collar of the shirt.

"Then try something else on" He rolled his eyes, I'm going to pock them out of his sockets. I could see Danny's face going slightly red and if I was right, so was Stiles'. Stiles noticed Danny staring at my chest and couldn't help but smile his evil smile, "Hey, that one looks pretty good, huh?" Stiles said as I put on some ugly blue and orange stripped shirt.

"What do you think, Danny?" He tapped his shoulder.


"The shirt?"

"It's- It's not really his colour..." He stated going even redder then Stiles. I clenched my jaw and took the shirt back off, going back through his shirts.

"You swing for a different team, but you still play ball, don't you, Danny boy?" Stiles chuckled.

"You're a horrible person"

"I know. It keeps me awake at night. Anyways, about that text?" Now I was getting angry all his shirts a too small or just ugly.

"STILES?" I yelled, "none of these fit!" I said clutching one of his shirts in my hand. Stiles looked at Danny and they both exchanged looks, each of them redder then a tomato.

"I'll need the ISP, the phone number, and the exact time of text..." He trailed off, I could see Stiles silently cheer for joy as I went back to his shirts.

-A few minutes later, I now have a shirt-

"This text was sent from a computer. This one."

Stiles jaw dropped and my eyes widenend.

"Registered to that account name?" Me and Stiles said at the same time.

"No, no, no, no. That can't be right." Stiles muttered.

It said Melissa McCall had sent the texts.

-An hour later-

Me and Stiles are sitting in his jeep, and Stiles is on the phone to Scott.

"Look, if you see my dad, can you tell him... tell him I'll be there, I'll just be a little bit late, okay?..." I could see and smell the sadness rolling off of him, he really wanted to be in this game, he was first line after all...

"You're not gonna make it..."

"Yeah... I know." He sighed.

"And you didn't tell him about his mom either."

"Yes, I know, not till we find out the truth."

"By the way one more thing."


I grabbed the back of his head and slammed it on his steering wheel, "OH, GOD... WHAT THE HELL WAS-?!"

"You know what that was for." I growled, "now go... GO!"

He stumbled out the jeep and I sighed. (Are you stupid? My wolf growled at me).

"What? He used me earlier!"

-Stiles Pov-

Ouch. My nose hurts now. That bitch really slammed my head into the steering wheel, even though I found the answers. I looked around for Melissa but she wasn't here neither was anyone. I was all alone looking for something/one that can end my life within a second, and I have nothing to save or protect me. I pulled out my phone and called Derek, he picked up before it started to ring.

"There's no one here" I said.

"Ughh, look ask for Jennifer. She's been looking after my uncle."

"Yeah, well, he's not here either."


"He's not here. He's gone Derek."

He went quiet and I started to panic. "Stiles, get out of here, NOW!" he screamed through the phone. "It's him! He's the alpha! GET OUT!" He cried.

I turned around and bumped into a scary looking guy covered in burn marks. My heart was racing and I could feel my blood rushing through my veins.

"You must be Stiles..." He said innocently, his voice sent chills up my spine and I felt goose bumps form on my skin. I backed up slowly and shoved my phone in my pocket. I turned around and sped up my pace to be stopped abruptly by a nurse.

"What are you doing here?" She asked politely, "visiting hours are over." She said more harshly and I stood there frozen on the spot switching glances between them both.

"You... and him" I pointed at them both then it clicked, "you're the one who... Oh, my... and he's the... Oh, my god, I'm gonna die." I cried, scratching my head, then without warning Derek appeared and elbowed the nurse in the face.

"That's not nice..." Peter said sadly, "she's my nurse."

"She's a psychotic bitch helping you kill people," he spat, then turned his face to look at me, "Get out of the way."

"Oh, damn" I whined and ducked instantly sliding across the hall behind the front desk.

"You think I killed Laura on purpose?" Peter laughed, "one of my own family."

Derek growled and lunged for his uncle, I took that as my cue to leave.

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