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[A/N: Follow to keep updated <3]

-Stiles Pov-

I'm stuck staying at the hospital waiting for Lydia Martin, the girl I've loved since third grade, to wake up. I'm not sure if I love her anymore but I say my feelings are still there somewhere, meaning I want to stay here till she wakes up as a friend.

Derek hasn't said a word to me since the incident at the clinic and when he slit his uncles throat open, I think he was scared to face me or something. He looked up at me and he clenched his fists, in realisation, he just stared into my eyes before running into the forest. I should probably go find him when Lydia wakes up...

I want a Reese's bar so bad right now. Kind of random, I know but still. I got off the waiting chairs and walked over to the vending machines. I put my change in the little hole and pressed the button for my bar. Nothing happened. I pressed the button again a little harder. Again, nothing happened.

"GIVE ME THE DAMN BAR!" I yelled at the machine as if it could hear me, that earned me some weird stares, but nothing I'm not used to. I shook the machine roughly and tried to pick it up but all that did was make it fall over, I looked at what I did and legged it back to my waiting chair before anybody else noticed.

That's when I heard an ear demolishing scream. "Lydia?" I called running to her room, followed by some nurses and Melissa, I shot past them all into the bathroom to find it empty and the window open wide. "LYDIA!" I yelled. Where the hell did she go?

-A few minutes later-

I saw my dad down the hall questioning Melissa so I walked to them to see if I could help.

"All right, let's get an APB out on a 16-year-old redhead," he said to one of his deputies, "any other descriptors?" He asked, my time to shine. I walked into the middle of them.

"She's five foot three, green eyes, fair-skinned, and her hair is actually strawberry-blonde." I stated, I know a lot more about her then that which just proves how much I love... loved? Her...

"Is that right?"


"Come here." He said grabbing my neck and dragging me away from the crowd, "what the hell are you still doing here?"

"Uhh, providing moral support?" It sounded more like a question then a statement.

"Uh-huh. How about you provide your ass back home? Where you should be."

"Okay, I can do that too," I nodded.


"Mmhm" and with that he released my neck and pushed me towards the exit. I jumped into the jeep where Scott was waiting for me and I threw Lydia's hospital gown at him.

"This is the one she was just wearing?" He asked. I nodded, "I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her. Not again..." That brought back unwanted memories of the way I found her, but for some reason the pain I felt for her was not as near the pain I felt when Derek was hurt... I should stop thinking about him. I should be thinking about Lydia Martin, the girl I had loved from the dawn of time.

"All right, just shove the thing in your face, and let's find her." I muttered. I started the car and was about to start driving when freaking Allison jumped in the middle of the way.

"Wow!" I yelled unenthusiastically. She ran towards Scott's window.

"What are you doing here?! Somebody's going to see us" he whispered.

"Look, I don't care. She is my best friend and we need to find her before they do." She said, getting into the back of my jeep.

"I can find her before the cops can."

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