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[A/N: I have never wrote fanfics in my life before so this is gonna be terrible]

-Stiles Pov-

Scott's so dramatic. He claims to have been bitten by a wolf yesterday. That's just stupid though. There hasn't been a single wolf in California for over 60years. And on top of that there is no bite mark.

"You know what, Scott. I think I might know what's wrong with you." I said with an obvious hint of sarcasm in my voice, which I don't think he detected.

"Are you serious?" He asked.

"Mhmm... I think what your describing is symptons of lycanthropy." I said matter of factly.

"What?! What's that? Is it bad?!" His eyes opened wide as if i just told him he was dying of an unknown desease.

"Oh yeah... It's really bad... Like terrible. Buuutt, it's only once a month so its meh." My sarcasm was on peek right now.

"Wha... One-Once a month?"

"Mhmm. On the night of the full moon... AwhoOoOo" He sighed and jokingly punched me in the arm and we both started laughing.

-Derek Pov-

Ughh. What is that? My ears were automatically tuning in on some conversation two people were having and I think one just mimicked a wolf howling.

"You are so not funny, now help me look for my inhaler."

"Okay Scotty boy if you say so."

I hid behind a tree watching them look for the inhaler that is currently in my pocket, listening in on what they had to say.

"I mean, Scott, I can't be that wrong about you being a werewolf as this morning after lacrosse practice you didn't need your inhaler." The one with a buzz cut and an adorable button nose and bambi eyes stated. Wait. What?!

"Stiles. I'm not a freaking werewolf." The one with an uneven jawline which I guessed was Scott replied.

I sniffed the air lightly picking up on their scents. Well. I guess the Stiles one was correct. Scott was one hundred percent a werewolf, I could tell he was turned just recently and he has no clue what was going on which is dangerous... And that also mean the werewolf who killed Laura for her power is his Alpha... I miss Laura...

I came from behind the trees and grabbed Scott's inhaler from my pocket. They both jumped up at the sight of me and looked down. I could smell slight fear rolling of Scott and something I don't understand from Stiles.

"What are you doing here?" I asked eyeing them both. Buzz cut looked around scratching the back of his neck and I could see Scott bite the side of his mouth. "This is private property."

"I... Uh... Sorry man, we didn't know." Stiles said.

"Yeah... We were looking for something but... Nevermind... Forget it" Scott sighed.

I chucked him his inhaler although I know it would be useless for him, eyed Stiles slowly, turned around and left.

-Stiles Pov-

"Uhh... Yeah... I gotta get to work now Stiles c'mon." Scott said tapping my chest.

"Wait dude. That was Derek freaking Hale!" I stated, I didn't know whether I should be scared of that guy or find him weirdly attractive. Hold up. What the fu-

"Huh" Scott questioned.

"Oh don't tell me you don't remember him. He's what like three years older then us?"

"Remember what?"

"His family? They all burned to death in a fire three-ish years ago!!"

"I wonder what he's doing here, I mean after an incident like that I would never return."

"Me neither, now c'mon before you're late for work."

-Later that evening-

-Derek Pov-

Stupid teen parties. I'm stuck in the shadows of one very loud party. I'm keeping watch over this werewolf kid I seen earlier, and his weird best friend who keeps catching my eye. Wait- Not in that way I swear... Well I think not.

"Scott... Listen to me. I really think we should go home..." Stiles muttered to an annoyed looking Scott.

"STILES! JUST GO AWAY OKAY. MY LIFES SOMEWHAT PERFECT NOW WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO RUIN IT. IM NOT A FREAKING WOLF SO STOP BEING SO WEIRD AND GROW UP!" Scott yelled, For some reason the way he raised his tone at the other boy made my blood boil and made me want to rip his throat out. Scott ended up storming off to the other side of the party and met up with some girl.

"I'm not trying to ruin your life... I'm trying to help..." Stiles muttered to himself, walking out of the party. I wanted to run after him and tell him he's doing his best and just comfort him and tell him his predictions are correct. Wait no I don't. What the hells going on with me.

I looked up at the moon which was currently at it's highest peek, and looked back at Scott who looked like he was mid panic attack. Shit. I need to get him out of there now.

-Time skip to the next day because I don't know how to write the part where he takes Allison-

-Stiles Pov-

I can just about see Scott walking shirtless, cradling his right arm at the bottom of the road. I slowed down and pulled to a stop next to him, leaning over to open the passenger door for him. He hopped and sighed.

"I guess you was right." He muttered looking down.

"Yeah... I guess I was."

"You know what actually worries me the most.."

"If you say Allison, I'm going to punch you in the head."

"She probably hates me now..."

"Ugh... I doubt that. But you might wanna come up with a pretty amazing apology. Or, you know, you could just tell her the truth and revel in the awesomeness of the fact that you're a freaking werewolf." That got me a glare from Scott. "Okay, bad idea..."

Scott looked away out the window I could tell he's upset. "Hey... We'll get through this. Come on, if I have to, I'll chain you up myself every full moon and feed you live mice." I smiled reassuringly. He looked at me concerned. "I had a boa once. I could do it." He scoffed and we both started laughing.

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