No cuddles

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[A/N: I honestly don't know half the crap I write until I come back to it a few hours later once it's already published and has views, meaning it's too late to delete it. Follow to keep updated<3]

-Stiles Pov-

Me and Derek have been dating for two months now, the only ones that know are Isaac, Erica and Boyd, and of course Lydia and Peter. Erica and Boyd are the newest members of our pack. We have just found out Lydia was a banshee last month when she accidently brought Peter Hale back to life. Lydia and I have grew really close once she committed to the pack. And creeper wolf, as I like to call him, had apologised for his actions and explained why he was like that and also committed to the pack.

I hardly talk to Scott now, I told Allison about what Lydia and Scott did before I told Derek. Allison broke up with Scott but still spoke to him as friends but she forgived Lydia almost instantly because she knew she was transitioning into a supernatural creature causing her emotions and actions to get messed up. "Mom?" Isaac was crouched in front of me waving his hand in front of my face, trying to get my attention.


"You zoned out, AGAIN. That's three times now in the last ten minutes, what's wrong Stiles?" I could feel all the pack members worry for me.

"I- Uh nothing? I just run out of aderral that's all..." Dad was so focused in work and paying of my mothers hospital bills he forgot to buy my months worth of aderral and Noah doesn't have the money to afford it this month.

"Why don't you ask Derek to get it?" Erica asked, Boyd and Isaac nodded in agreement.

"No. I'll feel guilty, besides I don't really need it, it doesn't really do anything to help besides stop me from zoning out." I shrugged. Of course Lydia and Peter both knew the real reason to why I was zoning out and but understood I didn't want anybody to talk about it. My mom's death anniversary was in a few days and I'm just an overwhelmed spaz, that's all, it's also due to my lack of aderral as well but we don't need to talk about that.

Isaac sighed and sat next to Erica who ruffled his hair. Packs like the touch and affection of other pack members as it's calming and makes them feel like home. I got up and made my way to the kitchen and began making myself a cup of coffee, it helps me calm down believe it or not.

I leaned forwards on the counter and put my head in my hands when somebody grabbed my waist and pulled me into them. I knew right away it was Derek, I stood up straight and let Derek rub his forehead against my neck, scent marking me, out of jealousy or sadness? No clue, I mean I smelt a lot like other wolves but Derek has been out all day and when a wolf doesn't see his mate in some time the begin to feel sick, sad, angry, in pain, etc. I groaned as quiet as I could as he began sucking the sweet spots on my neck.

"Get a room," Peter whined and Derek growled at him.

"Be nice." I said turning around in Derek's arms, he grunted. Now I know what's wrong. He's not jealous or sad or sick or angry or in pain. He's all of it. And horny. I read up that at certain times of the year wolfs go into something called heat, unfortunately that is exactly what Derek is going through.

Peter snickered finally realising what I had just realised, after taking a slight sniff of the air, werewolf's have amazing sense of smell, all of the wolves in the room can smell Derek's slight arousal and emotions and what time of year it was for him. I removed his grip from me and went to sit back on the sofa, he whined because of the sudden contact removal.

He followed me into the living room picked me up and sat me on his lap, and hid his head into my back and shoulders taking in my scent the best he could, to calm him. "Derek, go live somewhere else you're stinking the house out" Peter whined, obviously trying to annoy him. Derek looked up and flashed his eyes at him and growled before hiding away again. Peter smirked and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"You look adorable when you do that Stiles, has anyone ever told you that?" Peter knew what he was doing, he was digging his gravestone back out of the garden. I felt Derek tense slightly under me, trying his best not to get up and rip his uncle's throat out, again.

"Peter... Not now." I said sternly, Peter shook his head, he seemed to be having too much fun annoying his nephew to want to stop.

"Can't you come sit with me instead? I'll make a better mate them him. Imagine all the hot crazy sex we could have." Now he went too far. Derek leaped up and pushed me on the sofa behind him.

His eyes were glowing bloodshot red, and his fangs and claws were very much visible, Peter smirked and the other three betas slowly made their way behind the couch I sat on for cover. I sighed and got up slowly. I tugged at Derek's arm. "Calm down big guy." I said. He did not calm down, instead he growled again. "Now look what you've done Peter." He chuckled proud of himself before getting up and walking to his room. Clearly he had enough brain to exit the room to let Derek calm down a bit. I dragged Derek by the ear and he whined and I practically threw him on the sofa which I had gotten up from. "Stay." I commanded.

I walked behind the couch and found the pups whimpering curled up together, clearly affected by their alpha's anger and pain. I stood them up and walked them to their rooms, Erica and Boyd shared a room as they are mates and Isaac had his own room, I told them to get some sleep and I made my way back to Derek. "You," I pointed at him, "no cuddles for a month." Derek whined in protest, got up over to me and grabbed me by my waist.

I pushed him back slowly making him lose grip, "I said no cuddles," I said firmly. I saw Derek tremble, I knew when a wolf was in heat only the touch of their mate can calm them and release some of the pain, especially when having sex or just cuddling. He stormed off upstairs and slammed his door. Now he's acting like a moody teenager. I rolled my eyes and followed him to his room, he was fully evolved on his bed whimpering.

Great I made Derek cry, it wasn't even his fault, it was Peter's. I sighed and walked over to him after closing the door behind me. He refused to turn his head to face me. I lid down on the bed next to him facing his wolfy back. I reached my hand up and reached his ear and scratched the fur there, Derek instantly stopped whimpering and leaned into my touch purring. HOLY SHIT. WOLVES PUR? DEREK PURS? WHAT?

SterekDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora