28. two girls and their wingmen

Start from the beginning

The sun was blinding at first, offering her another headache. She shielded her eyes with her palm and gazed down, blinking slowly until she felt like she wouldn't faint after another step.

"Iana!" A familiar voice called out.

Her head shot up. Bad idea. Quickly, she tried to grasp at whatever magic she could reach and made herself look alright, decent enough so that her siblings wouldn't send her back to the infirmary. Iana tried a weak smile. "Nice to see you guys,"

Jules gave her a quick hug whilst Leila's lasted a full ten seconds. "You gave us a heart attack, you know." the curly haired girl said as she pulled away. "Passing out on the Aphrodite cabin's table."

"Good thing Piper caught you," Jules sighed in relief, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Anyways, we have archery practice soon so we'd better go." Leila added, grabbing Jules' hand before shooting her a smile. "See ya,"

"Don't forget to grab a bite!" Jules shouted after taking a few steps. "We left you some on your bed!"

The smile that had found a place on her features grew, Iana watching fondly a her two sisters walked away. Although she hadn't had the time to form a bond before her quest, she was determined to make her new family work.

Camp Half-Blood was lively. As she made her way through the busy bodies of campers, someone must have noticed her, since the unmistakable call of her name was heard. Stopping in her tracks, Iana realized she had walked past the Hephaestus cabin a few meters back, and there by the door stood Leo Valdez.

Before she could give a response, her friend ran up to her and enveloped her in a hug before pulling away abruptly, as if only now realizing everybody could see them outside. Iana took a moment to take in Leo's appearance, face covered in soot, left hand holding a screwdriver, his hair disheveled as ever.

"You scared us last night, you know?" Leo says, his expression warm and filled with relief.

The short haired girl gave him a sheepish smile. "Sorry,"

"Ah, don't apologize." he waved her off. "I'm just glad to see you awake again."

"Have you seen Piper or Jason today?"

Leo thought for a moment before nodding, placing the screwdriver onto his belt. "Yeah, pretty sure he's working out at the basketball court or whatever. Don't know about beauty queen, though. She was the most worried."

Iana hummed at that. She didn't want to think about Piper yet.

"You should go talk to her, you know. Fix things up, become besties again. Get back together, share a kiss—"

"One day of having those memories back, and you're already teasing me again?" she interrupted, brows raised.

Leo shrugged. "I'm pretty sure you already knew what you signed up for when you became my best friend."

Iana shook her head in amusement and sighed. "Well, I better get going. I haven't eaten anything today, so I might pass out again if I don't. See you, Leo."

The short haired girl halted for a moment before throwing her arms around him, startling the poor boy before he quickly reciprocate her actions. Iana let herself bask in his comfort, not caring if the people around them were watching. Finally, it would be over. Even if it was only for a moment, even if Gaea's promises still haunt her in the back of her mind. Familiarity is what she needed, and Leo would always be the one to ground her.

( ✓ ) Evermore, Piper McLean¹ Where stories live. Discover now