33 - four days ago

Start from the beginning

"Four days ago. Before our concert. Remember?"

My eyes widened. "Oh."

"There you go." He chuckled. "Now you get it."

"Sorry. My bad," I looked away, just a bit embarrassed.

"Do not apologize. I do not mind it. Tom tried had a 'serious' conversation with me after he noticed, but that did not end well."

"Didn't end well?" I echoed.

"He was serious. Until he broke and started laughing. We both did. Very funny."

"I mean, he is only, what? Six or seven years older than you. It's kind of funny to think about."

His face twisted in confusion. "Oh. I never really thought about that."

"You haven't?"

"No. Not really. I was a stranger just living in their home for a long while, remember? I did not care about how old they were."

"Oh. I guess that's fair. Can we watch a movie now?"

He stared at the screen longingly. "But... Minecraft."

"I'm bored, Mischa."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Watch a movie with me."

He rolled his eyes. "If you try to show me Legally Blonde one more time, I swear-"

"No! Not this time, I promise."

I held up my pinky. He wearily shook it, raising an eyebrow.

"What is it, then?"

"My favorite horror movie. The only one I'll willingly watch."

"And that would be?"


"That's not even scary!" He looked at me, incredulous.

"I know. That's the point."

"Okay, okay. I guess so," Mischa relented.

He hesitantly shut off Minecraft. We pulled up the movie. He made sure that he had his arm around me the entire time. Every time there was a 'scary' part, he would try to cover my eyes, and I would try to get his hand off of my eyes, causing him to laugh. By the end of the movie, he was dead asleep, arm still around me. I leaned my head on his shoulder, and fell asleep soon after. At around 2 in the morning, I got a call and it woke . Naturally, I was worried that there had been some kind of emergency. I was relieved that it had just been Noel, who had a habit of calling me late at night to tell me something that he believed was important.

Mischa was still dead asleep with his arm around me. I answered, still half asleep.

"What do you want, Noel?" I grumbled.

"I want to go to France now! I can't wait until after we graduate! I want to go there with Marcel!"

I rubbed my eyes and looked in the camera. "Shh. Mischa is asleep."

"Not a me problem. Anyways, Marcel is literally the best. I love him so much."

"Is this why you called me? To obsess over your boyfriend? If it is, I'm going to sleep."

I could swear I saw him blush through the screen. "No. I wanted to ask you about the musical. Who are you auditioning for?"

"Katherine. I'm really excited. Newsies was my dream show when I was thirteen."

Noel nodded excitedly. "I'm auditioning for Davey. You should get Mischa to audition."

"He'd never do that. You know that."

charity project // mischa bachinski (ride the cyclone)Where stories live. Discover now