< healing > chapter 12

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Yoo Jimin didn't go to school for a week, she have enough with Kim Minjeong. Yoo Jimin decided went to the beach.

< evening 6:30 ( Sunday ) >

Yoo Jimin is at the beach around 6:30, she never feel so free as she watches the sunsets alone. Yoo Jimin never felt the feeling alone before.. since she always around people's.

Yoo Jimin watch the sunset as she listening to music, she felt free and yet happy. happier. she watches the sunsets as its fading away, Yoo Jimin smiles at herself as she thinks to herself how she never been this alone. she felt independent and yet free..

Yoo Jimin doesn't want this moment to go away, sadly It will. Yoo Jimin wanted to share this feeling with someone but couldn't think of anyone others than.. Kim Minjeong, Yoo Jimin think to herself why Kim Minjeong pretend she doesn't know her. why she always been so rude whenever she's around her friend. Yoo Jimin think and think as she doesn't know what to do. Yoo Jimin felt pissed off, sadness yet happy with Kim Minjeong..

" why does she always do this to me? "

Yoo Jimin said to herself as she whisper. Yoo Jimin didn't know what to says and just ignore the feeling, she knows ignoring her own feeling is bad for her mental health. but what others option she have left?

< the next day ( Monday ) >

Yoo Jimin went to school like always, sitting with her current friend and talking with them. Yoo Jimin saw Kim Minjeong at the hallway and just ignore her.

Kim Minjeong saw Yoo Jimin in her classroom and decided to went in there, Kim Minjeong smiles as she walks towards Yoo Jimin.

" hi.. "

Kim Minjeong said and smiles sweetly.
Yoo Jimin felt disgusted and pretend she didn't hear her. Kim Minjeong smiles faded as Yoo Jimin didn't says hi back.

" ..please. "

Kim Minjeong mumble to herself. Yoo Jimin still pretend she doesn't hear Kim Minjeong and just ignore her.

"  fine, I'll go then.. "

Kim Minjeong said and walk away. Yoo Jimin watches her leave as her heart felt its about to broke..

< month have passed >

Yoo Jimin still ignoring Kim Minjeong presences. Yoo Jimin tries to focus with her study and her mental health.

one day Kim Minjeong decided to text Yoo Jimin as Kim Minjeong sending her a whole ass paragraph how much she misses her and she is sorry for leaving her. Yoo Jimin revive the text and didn't reply back, she couldn't trust her anymore. Yoo Jimin doesn't want to get hurt again. Yoo Jimin have enough with her lies and more.

Kim Minjeong haven't give up yet and tries to get Yoo Jimin attention.

one day, there a party at Yoo Jimin friend house and she decided to go, Yoo Jimin didn't know that Kim Minjeong would be there.

Yoo Jimin arrived at the part and seeing Kim Minjeong talking with her friends. Yoo Jimin felt a bit betrayed but she couldn't blame her friend.

" Heyyyy! "

one of Yoo Jimin friend said and smile, Yoo Jimin smiles at her and looks at Kim Minjeong.

" hm? hi... "

Kim Minjeong said and smiles, Yoo Jimin doesn't really want to reply back but she have to.

" hi.. "

Yoo Jimin said awkwardly, Kim Minjeong smiles and looks at her.

" can we have some private talk? "

Kim Minjeong said and smiles. Yoo Jimin feels like she doesn't want to hurt her heart keep begging her and decided to go.

" sure.. "

Yoo Jimin said without any hesitation, Kim Minjeong smiles and looks at her.

" let me get some drink.. "

Kim Minjeong said, Yoo Jimin knows what gonna happen again as she already went through the pain but she couldn't do anything, Yoo Jimin tries to stop herself before things will go out of hand but couldn't.

< private places >

Yoo Jimin and Kim Minjeong talking and laughing with eachother, as they were drinking alcohol.

Yoo Jimin decided to ask her.

" why are you like this? why you always ignoring me and whenever we go to party we always end up like this.. "

Yoo Jimin ask and look at her, Kim Minjeong felt a bit embarrassed, she was quite for a moment before speaking.

" I don't know actually. its complicated. "

Kim Minjeong said and laugh it off, Yoo Jimin felt uneasy and just ignore it.

" sure.. "

Yoo Jimin said and felt disappointed as the answer what Yoo Jimin have been thinking for a while and not get the answer what she's looking for.

" hey, whats wrong? "

Kim Minjeong said and put her hand on Yoo Jimin chin, Yoo Jimin looks at her.

" nothing.. "

Yoo Jimin said as they're face were inches away from eachother.

" really? "

Kim Minjeong ask again, Yoo Jimin couldn't help to tell her the truth how she have been feeling lately.

" its.. its just that you keep giving me mixed feeling and i hate it whenever I'm alone and I have no one to talk to.. "

Yoo Jimin blurred everything out as tears almost falling out from her eyes, Kim Minjeong knows its her fault.

" I'm sorry for what I've done.. I'm sorry for leaving you without any explanation. please forgive me "

Kim Minjeong said and hold Yoo Jimin waist. Yoo Jimin blushed a bit and doesn't want to show any emotions at that time.

" please.. I think this is wrong. "

Yoo Jimin said and pushes her away, Kim Minjeong grab her waist back and look at her.

" please I'm sorry "

Kim Minjeong said and hugs her, Yoo Jimin was speechless and blushing hard.

" this is just wrong. "

Yoo Jimin said, Kim Minjeong kisses Yoo Jimin lips without any hesitations, Yoo Jimin was shock by Kim Minjeong movement and kisses her back passionately.

( what would happen next? Yoo Jimin would be heartbroken again or?? )

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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