CHAPTER 8 < small thought >

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week 1 ( day 3 )

( Yoo Jimin pov )
Yoo Jimin was still shock what have happened yesterday and still in disagreement that's she and Kim Minjeong kiss.

Yoo Jimin can feel her face getting red as she still thinking about Kim Minjeong. Yoo Jimin texted Kim Minjeong if it's real about the kiss from yesterday, Kim Minjeong didn't even replied to her as Yoo Jimin negative thought keep torturing her.

( Kim Minjeong pov )

Kim Minjeong feel something lifted out from her chest but she is still thinking that's the kiss doesn't make anything changes between her and Yoo Jimin. Kim Minjeong wanted to replied to Yoo Jimin texted but couldn't as if she was still thinking about yesterday and wanting to take her out on a date! but Kim Minjeong doesn't have the energy as she wanted to ask Yoo Jimin out. what if Yoo Jimin said no what if she doesn't like her back? said Kim Minjeong through her thought.

Kim Minjeong finally replied to Yoo Jimin massage, Kim Minjeong said she was joking about yesterday. the kiss. she was teasing Yoo Jimin but couldn't accept infact both of them were inloved but never show to each other.

scared to be alone and never find someone or something to make their heart happy and scared to be hate by others that's around them.

Kim Minjeong didn't go to Yoo Jimin house and can't face her because she doesn't want to make things awkward and same by Yoo Jimin who was scared to talk with Kim Minjeong when they're always texting each other and call.

Only her [ winrina ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang