CHAPTER 3 < school >

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5:00 AM : MONDAY

Yoo Jimin was in a rush to get ready for her new school, " Karina!! Hurry up. " the mother yelled from the kitchen, " Just a minute! " Yoo Jimin said while she was brushing her hair. Yoo Jimin got out from her room, " so.. how' I looked? " Yoo Jimin with confident and excitement. " woah, you look so gorgeous my love.. " says her mother and smile, Yoo Jimin smile, " he're eat before it's get cold. " the mother said to Yoo Jimin.

// at school //

Yoo Jimin arrived at her new school, " woah, this school is so big.. " says Yoo Jimin to her body guard, " I'll see you after school " Yoo Jimin says and went into her new school. Yoo Jimin got into the school she was supprissed how big it's was inside. Yoo Jimin saw the girl from yesterday. Yoo Jimin was shock to see that it's Kim Minjeong, Yoo Jimin ran up to her. " OH MY GOD!! " Yoo Jimin yelled and hugged Kim Minjeong, Kin Minjeong was shock.. " Hiiii " Yoo Jimin says with excited. " Oh, Karina right? " Kim Minjeong said and smile. " yes.. " Yoo Jimin said and smiled back at Kim Minjeong. " wow, we go to the same school!! " Yoo Jimin said to Kim Minjeong. " yeah. " Kim Minjeong replied..

// bell ring //

" aww, class about to start. " Yoo Jimin says " yeah.. " Kim Minjeong replied " I'll see at lunch then " Yoo Jimin says and left Kim Minjeong.

// lunch //

Yoo Jimin was eating alone all of the sudden she felt someone touch her shoulder, " hello! " a girl said from behind her, Yoo Jimin looked back and was shock to see Kim Minjeong. Yoo Jimin smile at Kim Minjeong " please sit beside me " as she said to Kim Minjeong and gesturing her hand to the empty sit beside her. Kim Minjeong sat besides Yoo Jimin while she was looking into Yoo Jimin eyes. " your eyes is so beautiful. " Kim Minjeong said and brush Yoo Jimin hair aside. " oh, thank you." Yoo Jimin replied and try to hide her red face. " what are you eating? " asked Kim Minjeong " oh, I'm eating my mom homemade sandwich." Yoo Jimin said and give her half of the sandwich to Kim Minjeong. " woah, this tasted to good! " Kim Minjeong said with amazed. " I know, my mom made it. " Yoo Jimin said and smile.

// I'm so sorry if I took so long to public chapter 3 :( life is hard you know either way I hope you guys enjoy! //

Only her [ winrina ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora