Find Out More

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"What am I supposed to do..." Meggy moaned.

The two of them were having a small talk at Meggy's place. The orange haired girl was trying her best to figure stuff out, as Mario was there for moral support.

"Well why don't you just smash a few girls and find out? It can't be that hard. Mario gets loads of bxxxxes!" explained the idiotic plummer.

"Mario, all your "bxxxxes" are made of spaghetti. And I'm not gonna fxxx a plate with pasta on it."

"Well if you don't wanna smash some hot, steamy spaghetti, then what?"

"I'm not gonna fxxx anyone. I'll just figure it out later..."

"Hmm... Why not fxxx Tari?"

Meggy's face went from sadness to confusion in a second. "WHAT!?" screamed Meggy.

"She seems so in love with you that she surely wouldn't mind smashing some once-sguid p¿ssy-"

Meggy slapped Mario into the wall in anger. "IM NOT FXXXING TARI!!!"


"Because- Uhm... You know what, forget it!" Meggy shouted, before laying on the sofa, angrily.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. Mario went over to open it, but was thrown back at the wall by the person opening the door.

"I heard something about smashing bxxxes in here!" said Bob.

He looked around to see Mario crying over his peepee hitting the corner of a cabinet and Meggy being angry.

He walked over to Meggy, who was still angry. "So... what's the tea?" asked Bob.

"I've been debating about if I'm actually asexual or not and that stupid red idiot suggested me smashing Tari..." Meggy groaned.

"Oh. Well that's not a bad idea-"


"Ok ok! Calm down angry lady! But why are you even debating about your asexuality anyway."

Meggy sighed. "It's just that...

...back then, when I still dated boys and didn't find out I was lesbian, I saw myself as asexual. I had had s€x a few times, but I didn't really wish to do so. That's how I found out I was asexual.

But lately... I'm starting to guestion it. Finding out I was lesbian made dating people a lot easier. But when it comes to s€x... It's starts to feel like I'm not asexual after all.

Back then, I didn't want to fxxx anybody. But now that I'm lesbian... I do...

Do you know what I should do, Bob?"

"... I literally understood nothing of what you just said."

"God dammit..."

"Is smashing Tari still an option?" asked Mario.

"No," Meggy answered.

"Aww man..." said both Bob and Mario.

"But... if you still have the idea of smashing some hot galls in your mind..." Bob explained, before pulling out a pamphlet from his... I don't know actually.

"... you should try this place. It's helped me with smashing gals and there's coincidentally a place where people can find out about their asexuality."

"Wow... thanks Bob. Never thought I'd say that..." Meggy said.

"No problem! I'm all about helping people with s€x stuff!" Bob explained.

"Wait... why the fxxx are you here anyway?" asked Mario.

"I was just passing by when I heard Meggy shouting about fxxxing bxxxxes."


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