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Both Zero Two and I rushed towards the command centre once we saw the message about a gutenberg class. "No way a gutenberg appeared here of all places" I said to zero two while gasping at air.

"I don't understand it either" Zero Two replied while also gasping for air.

We ran at full speed, trying to get to the command centre as fast as possible to try and figure out what the hell is going on, once we got to the command centre we took a second to catch our breathe "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" I SCREAMED AS SOON AS I HAD ENOUGH AIR TO DO SO.

"Calm down, Zero squad 13 has already been dispatched. They will handle it" Nana replied.


"Calm down, they can handle this" Nana replied once again with a hit of fear in her voice.

"Nah screw this. You know they can't do it as well as I do" I said.

I then proceeded to grab Zero Twos' hand and started to run, I didn't feel any resistance. I guess she knew as well as I did. We headed towards the gearing up stations first, you have to put special clothing on before getting in a franxx, we took no time in getting the clothes on, we were out in amount 1 minute. We only had about 3 more minutes before squad 13 came in contact with the gutenberg class so we had no time to waste so we started running towards the franxx holding station so we could get into Strelizia and pilot her, we had no time to think about the negatives that could come from us piloting together. About 1 minute of running had passed, and we finally made it to Strelizia, so we wasted no time in getting in and starting the connection sequence. We took our chances, and it worked, Zero Two and I were in perfect sync and connected as easy as slicing butter "Heh I wonder what the Dr was so worried about" Zero Two said.

"No clue" I replied, knowing full well as to what the Dr was worried about.

We wasted no time rushing towards the location of squad 13. We would get there just as the fight had started. Once we got there, I was correct. The fight had already started, and squad 13 was barely hanging in as we suspected. After a long gruelling, long fight, Zero Two and I had defeated the gutenberd class, so after we defeated it, we all went back to the plantation including squad 13, of course.
Once we got there we were met with a very upset but glad nana "You two are in so much trouble for what you have done but I'm glad you did it" Nana said coming in to hug both of us.

"Now off to bed tomorrow will be long" She added.

Zero Two and I had no second thougbts about it, we went straight to bed, we were both exhausted, we didn't even think about checking on the others to make sure they are okay or any of the other formalities, just straight to bed.

---Zero Twos' POV---

As I fall asleep, I'm met with what seems to be a dream or, more accurately, a memory? It starts with me walking down a large white hallway with two adults on both sides of me. They seem heavily armed. I walked for what seemed like hours until I am met with a small light blue child, but before I could get a better view of their face, it ended.

Authors Note:
If you guys and girls are enjoying reading my book, please let me know and share it with any of your friends who you would think would enjoy it. Thank you and goodbye until the next chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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