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*Parker's POV*

We're okay Parker. I just need some space right now. I'll see you at the bar tomorrow night.

Her words when she came to the door last night had been in my mind all day. She didn't have any emotion on her face. Not sad or angry or confused. There was nothing for me to go off on how bad I'd messed up this time. I stand by it though. She's been bribed to stay with a guy who obviously doesn't fucking respect her. He's paying her bills and telling her everything he wants to hear. How the fuck someone could have Tessa in their hands and still look at another woman and go elsewhere is completely beyond me.

She wanted space. I've given her space. I text her this morning but didn't push when she read it and didn't reply. I haven't driven past to make sure her cars there. I haven't spoken to her Mom or Ethan. I haven't asked the group about her. I've been in my outhouse all day working on nothing. I didn't have anything to do. I had 2 jobs this morning and nothing else. I wanted to take her out. I wanted to drive to the middle of nowhere and dance with her in a field or watch her read on the beach. Anything. But she wanted space so I gave her the god damn space.

But she didn't need space from him after he fucked his secretary? She needed space from me for telling her to come home when she couldn't afford to live but she didn't need it from him?

"Dude, you're going to break the glass." Nate snickered, forcing my eyes down to the glass. White knuckles clenched around it, I gently put it down on the bar, shaking my hands. "What's up?"

"Nothing." Tyler rolled his eyes.

"She's coming Parker. I just dropped Jayde and Jules off. They ran in before I could say bye."

"I'm not-"

"You know Jayde told us all what you asked her about right?" I glared at the 3 guys. "She's got a boyfriend Parker."

"That's beside the point."

"Look, we can't stand the guy as much as anyone else can. Everyone knows she can do fucking miles better than him. But she's happy-" I snorted.

"The fuck she is."


"The guy slept with his secretary and she's only with him because he paid for her bills so she could stay in New York and not have to come home and prove everyone right. She isn't happy. How you guys let her stay with him after that I don't know." I grabbed my drink again, trying to not even think about them knowing about it all and not doing anything. The guys continued staring at me like this whole thing was huge news. They've known for years. I should be the one staring. "What-"

"He cheated on her?" Nate looked at Tyler who just shrugged, shaking his head.

"She didn't- you didn't know?"

"Jayde would have mentioned something if she knew. And Jules can't keep her mouth shut."

"She didn't tell anyone here?" I laid my head back on my shoulders taking in the slowest breath I could. She can't really have not told anyone. Someone back here had to have known what happened. "This girl will be the death of me."

"She's always been the death of you." Nate shook his head. "I'm not on duty for picking you up when she leaves this time though."

"Not it." Tyler held his hand up and Aiden groaned.

"For fuck's sake."

"Oh shit." Tyler smiled, slapping Aiden's chest, peering over my shoulder. "Dude you didn't tell us he was here."

"I didn't know. There was another car when I-" The fuck are they on about? I turned around, staring at Tess and the girls walking in, another guy's arm around her waist and a huge smile on her face, looking up at him and laughing. "When I dropped the girls off. I thought it was one of Ethan's friends."

"You didn't notice the NYC plates?"

"I didn't have time to look. I dropped them off, drove home, walked here. I didn't think." The boys continued chatting behind me put my heart was thudding in my chest.

This was the boyfriend then?

She looked a hell of a lot happier with him than I thought she would with him. Wearing shorts and obviously one of his Guns & Roses shirts. Grey tee-shirt and dark jeans, he didn't look like anything special either. Not special enough for her. No one would ever be good enough for her. I wasn't. I was trying to be. God I was trying.

She walked over with him, jealousy pulling at my heart strings. He ordered a collection of shots and she laughed, shaking her head and telling him he was going to kill her.

"I can order Sambuca if you'd prefer Belle."

"Are you kidding? After New Years. Not a chance." She gagged. "Never touching that stuff again." He smiled, wrapping his arms around her and squeezing tight.

"I missed you."

"Oh, did you? I couldn't tell. AH-" Her feet were pulled up from the floor for just a second before he put her back down and turned to the boys, shaking their hands.

"Nice to see you again guys."

"You two, how's your brother?" Nate puzzled and his face screwed slightly.

"Wouldn't know. Haven't seen the prick." They all laughed and I downed the last of my glass. She hadn't even looked at me. Maybe I should go. "I don't think we've met have we?"

"No. We haven't." I held my hand out for him. "Parker." He looked back at Tess who nodded once. He turned back to me, taking my hand and shaking, eyes moving up and down me slowly. I squeezed his hand a little too tight. I knew about his little fucking games. She could choose him. I'll play nice. But I'm making it abundantly clear-

"Wells. I've heard a hell of a lot about you Parker." Wells? Oh, thank god. He turned his head back to Tess and raised an eyebrow at her, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Still missed a hell of a lot out though didn't you Tess."

"Maybe a few things." She looked at me, a genuine smile on her face and my entire body relaxed. She reached over, hand running down my arm gently and holding my hand for just a second. "Hi." We're fine. She's good.

"Okay enough of the flirty eyes, shots and stage all of you."

"I am not-"

"Yeah you are Jayde." Tess pushed a shot into her hand. "You know damn well how annoying he is."

"He's your best friend. I aint-" Jules started, receiving a look from Tess and Wells that made me snicker. Her double. He's literally her double. No wonder she said I'd love him. "I need to be drunk first." God he's even got Jules under his thumb. Maybe Wells can stick around.  

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