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*Tessa's POV*

"Okay Tess, hold on." Parker laughed as I pulled on his hand. "Babe, I need to- 2 seconds." 

I don't know how I'd woken up in such a good mood but I wasn't letting anything mess it up today. I'd text Ben back last night. Nothing special just that everything was fine, busy with loads of things Jayde didn't think about and getting around seeing everyone again. He'd replied instantly wanting to call but I was exhausted. I wanted a hot bath and to watch a film on the sofa with mom and Ethan. We'd been up laughing half the night and then this morning me and Ethan had an impromptu food fight in the kitchen which I then landed the blame on him for and got away with cleaning it up. I'll pay him back the favour when he needs an excuse for something whilst I'm home.

"Parker." I pulled again. "Come on."

"Tess, stop for a second for me." I huffed, standing still and pouting at him dramatically. "I need to get the bag off. You want to go?"

"Yes." He dropped my hand gently and in an instant, the anxiety was back. I shouldn't be here.

"Go on then. I'll be literally 2 seconds." Push it out Tess. You're doing normal things with a friend. Nothing weird about it. "Tessa."


"You've gone quiet love. Say what's on your mind or get out of your head."

"I'm fine."

"Then shirt and shorts off and get in." He pulled his shirt off, nodding his head back at the pool of water beside us. "Last one ins driving home."

"Oh, not a chance." I pulled my top off, kicking my sneakers off and fighting with my socks quickly. I love driving when I'm alone. With passengers I hate it. He was driving us home and I wasn't risking it. I'd worn a bikini under my tee and shorts simply because it's more comfortable and easier to dry than a full one piece but right now, I kind of wish I'd gone for more coverage. He cleared his throat, blinking quickly and bending down to undo his shoes and I awkwardly headed straight into the water.

It was beyond hot today. We'd walked for at least an hour to get up here and after he'd managed to calm me down from rushing through it, we talked for the full walk about New York and how my life there looked. Chaotic was the best way to describe it. Things had settled down a little coming up to my vacation time. I didn't have extra classes to boost performance and recording sessions for the release of the soundtracks. That was done now. By the time I go back, I'll be on 5 days a week and off for 2. Working weekends but it didn't really matter when I was getting Monday's and Tuesday's off instead. Places were just that touch quieter through the week and having the same 2 days off means I could plan a lot more in advance.

The icy water was refreshing against the burning of my skin. I walked a little deeper in until it was covering my shoulders. We weren't even that far in. If I went any deeper, I'd be needing to keep myself afloat.

"CANNON BALL." I looked up to the waterfall, Parker stood at the top in all his glory, jumping off the edge and sending a tidal wave across the pool, covering my head and soaking me wet through. I spluttered, pushing my hair back and trying to get the water out of my face. Before I could open my eyes, Parker was pulling on my waist, dragging me deeper in.

"Parker- wait- I'm not tall enough to reach the bottom."

"And?" He smirked, using one hand to pull my thighs around his hips. "I am." I could feel the blush on my cheeks. The burn along with the cool water droplets sliding down my face. My hands held onto his shoulders, no idea where else I should be putting them. My body temperature was sky rocketing right now. Glacier blue eyes staring into mine were not making it any better.

I wish I could say Parker hadn't changed. I wish I could say he was still as attractive as he was at 18 when he was starting to develop arm muscles and his face was starting to slim out slightly. He didn't. Parker was a fully grown man now and I couldn't get over how he felt under me. Like it was so familiar but distant. Like when a song you used to love in Kindergarten comes on the radio and you kind of know all the lyrics but not 100% and you remember how it used to make you feel and how you used to dance in the rain and scream the song in the car for hours on end but it has a different meaning now. Now you're just looking back on how it used to feel and realizing you still feel the same but the song lyrics hit a little harder because you understand them and it's suddenly not the song you used to love. It's not the love song you thought it was its heartbreak in a silver bow.

My love for Parker isn't something that could ever just disappear. But like he said about Sophia. He had been waiting for him to feel about her how he felt about me. I couldn't say anything about that because I knew it wasn't possible. You get this kind of love once. They say you know when you know and I knew. I knew about 3 weeks into dating that he was 'the one'. It still ended.

"You know, New York's not even that far away really." Parker snapped my train of thought, forcing my attention back to his eyes. "I could visit probably every other week. Book jobs in around trips. Come up Saturday afternoon drive home Tuesday evening."

"That's a lot of driving Parker."

"Worth every second Tess. It'd be worth every second behind the wheel."

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