Ivory Keys

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"And this one is fa, right?"

"That's right, child." The voice of an older maid, Antonia, sweetly affirms beside me.

I'd been here before. This room, made to entertain guests, was where the only piano of the house stood in the corner.

"Go on," Antonia encouraged, "try playing a tune. Remember what I taught you."

I lifted my little hands to the keys, trying to coordinate them into creating a melody. With what I was taught, I played a simple tune.

"Very good!" Antonia cheered, hugging me.

"That's enough practicing for today." Lady Acrux said, stepping into the room. Madelyn, now 4 years old, followed her mother into the room with arms crossed.

"Eldie. You said you'd watch me do my magic." Madelyn said with a frown.

I turned and stood up from the bench like seat in front of the piano and scurried over to her.

"Sorry Maddie!" I replied, "I can now!"

She smiled and we both ran to her bedroom.

But that was 14 years ago.


Light flooded through my eyelids until I jolted myself awake. In front of me was Lady Madelyn, resending her magic back into her hand. She'd waken me up this way in the past but only when I slept past my former maids attempts to get me out of bed. And that's only happened twice before. I'm met with a skull crushing headache as the berries from last night catch up with me.

"You're in so much trouble." She said, almost proudly.

That's when I notice where I was. Propped on top of the perfectly cushioned bed of the third nicest guest bedroom. I leaped out of bed as quickly as possible, as if it could erase the misconduct that was me being there in the first place. How did I even get here?

"Come on." Madelyn ordered as she grabbed my arm. "Its time for your treatment."

Shamefully, I followed behind her to the study. Could I at least change into fresh clothes before I was punished?

Apparently not.

Once there, Madelyn almost hurriedly shoved me into the same wooden seat I'd sat in every morning. I held back a sigh as Madelyn picked out her grimoire and made her way back to me. Right as she mumbled the words to begin casting the healing spell, Lady Acrux barged into the room.

"You better have an explanation for your actions." She declared, angrily sticking a finger in my face.


"I hope you're not planning on sabotaging my daughter's marriage after everything we've done for you."

Madelyn nodded as she continued with the spell. I tried not the glance at the scar on my arm as it began to sting.

I shook my head, realizing that words would be pointless.

"You better not!" Lady A continued, still fuming. "... Because if you do, I swear, I'll have you on stable duty at the castle for the rest of your life when you get transferred over there.

I nodded.

"Words can't even describe how furious I am with-"

Before Lady A could continue, the door peeked open, revealing a blonde haired man. Suddenly, the events of last night came flooding back, as well as the image of that man in the hallway.

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