You Want A Smoke?

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The next day I wake up to the sun beaming through the window. It takes a few minutes before I register the body laying under me and the arm wrapped loosely around my waist, but before I can move I feel him start to stir.

My body goes rigid with fear of what he's going to say to me. Will he say anything? Is he going to feel uncomfortable? Should I let go of him and act like I wasn't just practically laying on top of him?

Before I can question myself anymore I hear a whispered. "Morning Curly." Come from next to me and OMG. His morning voice, nobody warned me about his morning voice! So deep and just so perfect.

When I finally remembered that he said something I cough awkwardly.

"Morning Lou. Uh, sorry, I'll get off you now." I say shyly before slowly removing my limbs off of him but before he can say anything I hear a slight murmur coming from the couch behind me which meant that Zayn was waking up.

"Morning lads." Zayn says, voice still laced with sleep. "Morning." Louis and I respond in unison.


By the time Niall and Liam wake up it was nearly midday and we were all starting to feel hungry, so with all of us still suffering from a hangover and not wanting to leave the house we decided to order pizza and watch some movies.

"Lads seriously, can we just find a movie to put on so I can distract myself from the feeling of starvation." Niall groans out. "Niall, you're not gonna starve. Stop being so dramatic." I reply, looking at him. "I am not dramatic, just a man that enjoys his food." He huffs out, dramatically might I add. "Niall, you could seriously win an Oscar with those dramatics." I laugh out. "Take that back, I am not dramatic." He gawks.

"You two really are something else aren't you." I hear Louis laugh out next to me but before anyone can answer him the doorbell rings and before we can decide on who's going to answer the door Niall is already up on his feet and running to get there as fast as he can.

"Yeah, not dramatic at all." I hear Liam whisper which makes me laugh.


We're about halfway through 'Grown Ups,' empty pizza boxes discarded on the floor when I feel someone poking me in the side of my ribs. Looking away from the TV and turning to face Louis I notice him already looking at me.

"Hey, I'm gonna head out the back for some fresh air and a smoke, you wanna join?" He questions, already standing up. "Yeah, sure. I could do with some fresh air too actually." I answer, standing up and following him outside.

"You want a smoke?" He says, holding the packet out to me. "Uh no thanks. I don't smoke." I say truthfully, taking a seat on the chair next to him. "Fair enough, it's not for everyone." He shrugs while lighting up his cigarette before taking a long drag.

"So Curly, how did you and Niall meet? You sure are quite close to each other." He says, not making eye contact. "Well we met when we were pretty young. We both started at a new school on the same day and we were in the same class so naturally we kinda just stuck to each other. We spent every day together through primary and high school and well." I pause, thinking about what I was going to say next, not sure if I should tell him about my sexuality just yet but I've started to stop so why stop now. I take a long shaky breath in and out before continuing.

"He was there for me when I, well, when I." I trail off, stuttering. "Everything ok? You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to." He says, looking at me in concern. "No, it's ok. I'm just a bit nervous to see your reaction is all." I admit quietly. He looks at me, soft smile tugging at his lips.

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