Magic plants!

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It was about 5:00am, and we needed to get up for the airport.

"We were up until like 2:00 or 3:00am!" I groaned. I really didn't want to wake up Melanie. She was so adorable and also she gets MAD cranky in the morning. I got up and put on comfy clothes. Melanie was wearing her PJ's, (Aka a pink ruffled tube top with soft black cargo pants) and we had to fly to New York where I already knew it was gonna be hella cold. I also didn't want her to be exposed to that level in front of strangers. I gently lifted her up, put a soft black puffy jacket on her, and gently brushed her hair.
"Oh shit!" I giggled as Melanie awoke.
Melanie slowly opened her eyes, with one eyelid being lower than the other. She smiled, stood up and kissed me.
"GIRL STOP BEING SO CUTE ITS 5:00 AM AND WE'VE GOT PLACES TO BE!" I giggled while pulling away.
"What is life-" She muttered absolutely exhausted.
"We're going to New York now!" I whispered.
"Oh yea-" Just then her legs fell weak and she fell asleep while standing up.
"MELANIE!" I yelled as I caught her in my arms. I looked at her in shock and disbelief as she was just leaning her head against my chest, and sleeping soundly while in my arms.

"You two are so adorable!" Celeste giggled.
"GIRL WHERE-" I yelled as I looked around for her. I saw her standing in the kitchen with a coffee.
"Oh hi there! Wait, why are you awake?" I asked Celeste.
"I'm always awake this early." She started to giggle a bit.
"Oh yeah, I forgot your a study at 6:00am kinda person." I replied.
"I'm gonna miss you guys!" I spoke while gesturing to sleeping Magnolia and Fleurs dorm room.
"Me too! We'll see you in a week though!" She smiled while holding out her hands for a hug. I hugged her with Melanie on my back.
"I hope y'all have fun though!" I spoke.
"OH MY GOD YOU TWO ARE THE PERFECT TRAVEL COMPANIONS!" I yelled giggling as I gestures to her and Magnolias duffel bags. Just then Magnolia came out and swung her arm around Celeste's shoulder, kissing her cheek.
They smirked at eachother and looked back at Melanie and I.
"So...last night Melanie asked me to be her girlfriend!" I giggled and jumped.
"AHHHH!" Magnolia and Celeste squealed at the top of their lungs.
"ITS ABOUT TIME!!!!" Magnolia giggled.
"I've literally predicted this since day 1. The way you two looked at each other on the bus, hell yeah." Celeste spoke with a smile and a goofy face. I jokingly rolled my eyes. Celeste and Magnolia were going on a 5 day trip to Toronto, Ontario. I was from there, but Melanie invited me to come to her house for the holidays, and I OBVIOUSLY couldn't say no to her adorable smile and extremely kind offer.
"Oh shit, we gotta go!" I spoke while running out the door.
"Love you guys!" Melanie yelled as loud as one can when exhausted, and we walked out the door. She then immediately fell asleep as I stepped outside.

I was walking to the car to go to the airport, when Melanie woke up for good this time.
"I'm awake this time!" She smiled as she jumped down.
"Good morning!" I giggled as Melanie grabbed my hand and started walking. Just then she looked down.
"When did you change my clothes!?" She yelled in shock.
"I only put coat on you relax! Nothing else happened!" I replied.
"I wouldn't mind either way..." She spoke while blushing and looking away.
"Stop it!" I spoke with a flustered giggle.

As the sun started to come up, we walked for another 5 minutes...until Melanie stopped walking and dug in her pocket. She lit a cigarette and I put my hands beside the flame so the wind didn't blow it out.
"Do you ever wonder who all of us were to each other in a past life?" Melanie asked while handing me the cigarette.
"Oh for sure. We've probably had hundreds of lives together." I spoke.
She giggled. "You could've been my mom." She spoke while laughing her ass off.
"Yeah, or we could've been-"
"Conjoined twins!" We said in sync with a smirk.
"And our parents sold us to a fucking freak show!" Melanie giggled.
"That would explain a lot." I replied.
"It would. It's crazy how many medical benefits Mary Jane has!" Melanie spoke while blowing out the smoke into a heart.
"I know. And no one gives her any credit!" I replied.
"We don't deserve her!" Melanie spoke while putting the cigarette in her mouth again.
Just then Melanie grabbed my chin and blew the smoke into my mouth. My heart started to race.
"It tastes like bubblegum." I thought as I blushed like crazy.
"You try!" She giggled. My eyes went black as I exhaled. The smoke blew into a butterfly. "That's so cute!" She smiled.
When our eyes go black, the special abilities only really do what we are thinking and feeling. And at that moment I had the most insane butterflies.

Just then we spotted a bunny shaped tree in the distance.
"Wow." I muttered.
"Speaking of magical plants!" Melanie giggled. This girl was so cute I wanted to kiss her forever.
"Your so silly!" I giggled while walking again.

We made it to the car and right before we hopped in, I grabbed Melanie's hand tighter

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We made it to the car and right before we hopped in, I grabbed Melanie's hand tighter. "What's up hun?" She smiled. I pulled her closer and kissed her sweetly on the lips.
"Now let's go!" I spoke happily while opening the door for her. Melanie blushed and sat down.

We got in to see the driver was...IOANE!?
"MC LOVERS!?" He asked us.
"OH MY GOD, IOANE!!!!" We giggled in sync. "Are you working on the holiday!?" I asked. "Unfortunately yes because I quit my job at McDonald's, but I do have a thing with the manager so I can probably go back." He smirked.
"Okay scandalous!" Melanie giggled.
"Says the ones who just kissed!" He replied.

"OkAy...YoU gOt Me ThErE! bUt ThAt Is NoT a CrImE!" I played the meme on my phone in response because I was too flustered to speak.
"Fine, fine. When will you guys be back?"
He asked.
"In a week!" Melanie smiled.
"Oh I hope you guys have fun wherever you're going! And I hope you have too much fun." He winked.
I giggled in shock dragging out the syllables. Melanie put her head on my shoulder and smiled adorably.

"I know booch." He spoke while snapping to the side.

"And we're here!" He spoke.
"Have a safe flight McLovers!"
"Thanks Ioane!" Melanie spoke as she grabbed me and her cute bear suitcase.

After getting some airport snacks, we boarded our one way plane to New York. I was looking out the window playing animal crossing. I felt so tired because I didn't get a nap like Melanie did. My eyelids went heavy and my head fell forward. Even though I was asleep I felt Melanie catch my face when I fell.
"Y/N!" I heard her giggle as she placed my head on her shoulder.

(Okay spidey senses!😏🤭)

"Y/N!" Melanie whispered in my ear. I shot up to see that the plane was...still on the ground? "Why haven't we taken off?" I whispered. "We're already here!" Melanie giggled.
I was about to laugh my ass off.
"Awe you were so sleepy!" Melanie teased. "Says the one who fell asleep standing up!" I whispered back. We were definitely not morning people.
"Here let me take you to the bus!" Melanie giggled and grabbed my hand, pulling me into the airport and outside.

As we drove around on the city bus, Melanie was getting excited looking at all the places she recognized and it was so cute. She was gasping and pointing and giggling it was adorable. Just then we pulled up to the crosswalk by her house. We jumped out and walked to her doorway.
"I'm home!" Melanie giggled.
"Let's go inside!" She dragged me inside to her house.

"This is K-12." (Y/N x Melanie Martinez)Where stories live. Discover now