THE GRIMACE SHAKE! 🥤(Melanie/ Y/N pov!)

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We arrived at McDonalds all 5 of us linking arms.
"OH MY GAWD GUYS WE SHOULD GET THE GRIMACE SHAKE!" I spoke as I turned to my best friends. Fleur pulled out her phone.
"Guys apparently if you try the grimace shake you die...?" She spoke confusedly, and also concerned.
"WHICH IS WHY IM VOLUNTEERING TO TRY IT!" Celeste yelled laughing and raising her hand.
"NOT IF I TRY IT FIRST!" I laughed.
"You two always have to fight!" Melanie giggled and pouted with her arms crossed. I fell for her even more as I saw her adorable expression.
"It's only playful!" We said innocently.
"Fine. We're getting the grimace shake." I contently spoke.

Melanie's pov!

"I've never liked Mc Donalds and I only ever get the special shakes with fries." Celeste stated and shrugged as we kept walking.
"Girl....OH MY GAWD ME TOO!" Y/N replied.
"UAHHHHHH!" They yelled while laughing their asses off in sync.
"Guys we're in public!" I whispered to Y/N. She curled in her lips and was about to start dying of laughter. I was already giggling.

The others went outside to finish study plans, and it was just Y/N and I.
"What are you gonna get?" I asked Y/N.
"You." She said jokingly as she bit her lip and smirked.
"Y/N!" I yelled as I shoved her and blushed. "Woah save it for the bedroom Mel." She giggled.
"Oh my god I can't deal with you right now." I giggled as I blushed and put my sleeves over my face.

"Okay Mc Lovers!" The cashier with a pride pin said with his mouth open and a smirk.
"She's just my f-friend!" I spoke while laughing and blushing.
"By friend you mean...girlfriend? Or intense crush?" The cashier giggled. I dug my face into Y/N's sweater as she laughed her ass off. I did have a crush on her. I had started to realize it when I was crying in the bathroom and she helped me calm down. And I almost kissed her when I tripped in the court yard.
"What can I get for you guys?" He spoke with a more serious tone.
"May-haps we have a 12pc chicken nugget and 5 grimace shakes?" Y/N asked the cashier holding in laughter. He sighed while holding in a smile.
"Yes. But if I see ONE DAMN GRIMACE SHAKE ON THE GROUND I SWEAR TO-" He spoke laughing.
"No I promise we won't waste them!" Y/N giggled. The cashier giggled and rolled his eyes.
"Here's your order number! It's on the house. McDonald's makes millions a day anyways." He smiled while handing us the receipt. "Here's a tip! You seem our age, do you attend K-12?" Y/N asked.
"Thank you so much! And yes I do! My name is Ioane! Nice to meet you. I better go back to my job or these Karen's will throw a fit." He spoke.

"My name is Melanie and this is Y/N! And I'll see you around Ioane!" I said smiling as I grabbed Y/N's hand and walked away.
"Bye Mc Lovers!!!!" He said smiling. Y/N blushed and covered her face.
"She's so cute!" I thought.

"What kind of aristocrat language was that Y/N!?" I asked with a loud giggle while we waited for our food.
"What does thou mean!?" She said in a raspy French accent.
"Oui mon amour!" She said in the same accent.
"Mon Amour means "my love." I think you meant Mon Ami silly!" I said blushing.
"Oui oui." Y/N spoke as she put her hands on her hips.
"5 grimace shakes and a 12pc nugget for the Mc Lovers!" Another employee spoke as she handed us our food.
"Oh my fu-" Y/N shushed me.
"I said save it for the bedroom!" She whispered as she was laugh crying. She grabbed our food and took me outside to see the others. I was blushing so hard I looked like I was crying as we stepped outside.

"We're back hoes!" Y/N said with her normal accent. Everyone gasped and thanked both of us as they took their drinks. After a little bit of stalling, we finally stopped procrastinating.
"Guys it's finally time. To try......THE GRIMACE SHAKE!" Magnolia spoke as she raised her drink in the air.
"Cheers!" We all spoke as we clinked our plastic cups in the air. We took a sip.
"OH FUCK YES." Celeste and Y/N yelled in sync after they took a sip.
"Oh it's like a..." Y/N snapped while trying to find the word.
"Huckleberry!" Magnolia spoke after her.
"YES MAAM!" Y/N said pointing to her.
"Y'all, this is hella good." I spoke while sipping it again. Fleur and Celeste agreed. I turned over to Y/N to see her smiling and giggling like a little kid. My heart fluttered as I saw her jump up and down with excitement.
"Oh Y/N hand over those nuggets!" Fleur said as she held her hand out. Y/N handed her the bag and continued to drink the shake.
"Do you like it Fleur?" Celeste asked.
"It's really good!" Fleur replied. I looked over to see Y/N blushing at me as Magnolia giggled at her. Y/N put her finger over Magnolias lips and mouthed to Magnolia to be quiet as she became super flustered. I could only see them through my peripheral vision but I blushed in return and turned my head away from them.
"Oh guys we gotta go back to study for a little bit!" Magnolia spoke as she smirked at me and Y/N. Y/N mouthed Magnolia to come back and probably a lot of other threats, but Magnolia giggled and then dragged Fleur and Celeste away.
"PEACE HOES!" Celeste spoke to Y/N and I as she ran with the two.
"We should go back to the dorms with them!" I said.
"Here get on my back!" Y/N spoke as she leaned down on one knee. I became a little shocked but agreed anyways.
"O-Okay!" I blushed as I got on her back for a piggy back ride.
"Let's go!" She smiled. I looked at her and blushed at her adorable smile and laugh.

"I don't know if I can keep hiding all these secrets from Y/N,....and stay this close to her." I thought to myself as I buried my face in her shoulder as she carried me on her back.

( The grimace shake doesn't hurt you in any way and's HELLA good🗿)

"This is K-12." (Y/N x Melanie Martinez)Where stories live. Discover now