What happened-

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I woke up at exactly 2:22 a.m, to see Melanie sleeping ontop of me. I had fallen asleep kissing her. I pulled myself away, hella confused.
"Wait...WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED-" I was about to yell, but then remembered the night before.
"I did not....OH MY.....I DID." I thought blushing like crazy. My heart fluttered as I looked at Melanie. She was so cute even when she was sleeping. I blushed so hard that my cheeks turned bright pink. I gently and reluctantly lifted her off of me, and walked out of the room.

I walked into the kitchen to see Celeste eating cookies and milk, wide eyed. We made eye contact, and noticed each others appearance and shock. We both had messy hair, and we're both blushing out of control. We realized what happened and we started to burst out into laughter.
"GIRL WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!?" She said whilst laughing.
"OH MY GOD THERES NO WAY WE BOTH-" I spoke while laughing my ass off.
"We both did that didn't we." She whispered.
"I guess so." I said while laughing. I sat next to her at the table. We were just sitting there, eating cookies and laughing.
"Gimme one of those." I said whilst reaching for a cookie. She handed me some and poured me some milk.
"So you and Magnolia..." I said with a smirk. "SO YOU AND MELANIE." She said interrupting me while staring at her cookies laughing in disbelief. My eyes went wide and I covered my face from embarrassment, a habit that I always do.
"BESTIE I COULD SMELL THE TENSION. I knew it was gonna happen eventually." Celeste said while smiling.
I shoved a cookie in my mouth, blushing intensely.
"I saw that look you gave Magnolia when she first walked in the door, and I KNEW." I giggled.
"You two have had tension since you first saw eachother on the god damn bus."
"W-What!?" I ask as my mouth gapes open.
"I saw that look you two exchanged, she was 100% checking you out, and you were just staring at her in the aisle in shock!"
Celeste giggled and she and turned to me with her hand on her knee. I was about to protest but then I realized it was true.
"Oh...you got me ther-...SHE WAS CHECKING ME OUT!?" I ask in shock again. Celeste sighed and crossed her arms and nodded.
"But what do we do now?" She muttered while sighing and blushing.
"Do we like.....maybe we pretend it was all a dream? If we fall asleep now, we could think we dreamt it." I ask while giggling. We looked at eachother with raised eyebrows.
"GIRL THATS A GOOD PLAN." Celeste laughed while downing 3 cookies and running to the couch, almost falling asleep immediately. I ran to the other side of the couch and fell asleep on it.


"This is K-12." (Y/N x Melanie Martinez)Where stories live. Discover now