Dear, Sincerely,

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  Peter stood in the baggage area, waiting for Bethany to appear. He wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans, wondering if what Bethany was thinking. Surely by now Bethany would've read his letter and the thought of her not even mentioning it in her letter scared Peter. What if she's creeped out? What if she doesn't love him back?

  "Peter!" Peter's head snapped in the direction of the voice. There she was. Her black hair was flowing behind her as she ran towards Peter, while her carry on bag was slung over her shoulder. Peter opened his arms, welcoming Bethany as he gave her a tight hug.

  "I missed you!" Bethany said breathlessly. She put down her bag and gave him another squeeze, not aware that Peter was freaking out on the inside.

  "I missed you too," Peter gasped. "Come on, let's get your bags."

  After picking up Bethany s bags from the baggage claim they headed back to Peter's apartment to drop off her bags before reuniting with some friends. The drive was fairly short, but it was enough for them to catch up.

  "So uh, did you get my letter?" Peter asked.

  "The one where you ask about Tom?" Bethany asked.

  "Uh, no. It was different one," Peter said as his heart raced. She hadn't read it yet. That means, he has to tell her.

  "Oh, well what'd you write? I don't think I got it," She asked as Peter began to internally freak out, "It must have gotten lost in the mail."

  "I'll tell you later," Peter shrugged, trying to play it cool. Bethany didn't think anything else of it, so she just dropped the topic.


  After a long day of reuniting with old friends, Bethany and Peter went back to Peter's apartment. Peter was sitting up on the couch, while Bethany head was lying in Peter's lap. Bethany looked up at him and in that moment all she ever wanted was to kiss him, but she didn't. "So Peter, you never told me what was in that letter." 

  "Uh, well," Peter started as Bethany started laughing.

  "You sound so scared to tell my what's in that letter," Bethany giggled. One thing that she didn't know was how right she was. Peter was terrified of telling her. What if it ruins the friendship? What if she doesn't like him back? Just about every kind of 'what if' situation was running through Peter's mind.

  Peter took a breath and blurted it out, "I love you."

  "I love you too, but what's in the letter?" Bethany asked.

  "You don't get it? I love you. That was in the letter," Peter whispered, "I've been in love with you all along." Bethany's breathe caught in her throat as she realized what Peter meant. "Bethany, say something."

  Bethany didn't say anything. She just sat up and looked him in the eyes right before she kissed him. After the kiss, Peter looked at her breathlessly. "Wait, you like me too?"

  "No, I love you," Bethany replied smoothly, "I've been in love with you for a while now. I just couldn't  tell you. I thought you only loved me like a sister."

  "Well, Bethany Kim," Peter started, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

  "Yes," Bethany whispered. She pulled his shirt to get him closer before capturing his lips with hers.



eheheheheh and they live happily ever after.

soooo how'd you like it?

sooo you guys gonna comment now?

soo I guess voting is cool too.

so I guess this is the end..

WAIT!!!! WAIT I forgot... the synopsis of a new story, Starstruck, I might be starting around now or after I finish Double Trouble so here it is :D

 Alyssa Taylor is famous, well famous on Youtube, that is. Doing covers of popular songs and her sassy personality have gotten her from a small town in Nevada to the big city in California. That isn't enough though, for Alyssa is striving for one thing, to really make it in the music industry.

  Meet Ryan Fox, singer-songwriter, notorious playboy, and major teen heartthrob. Being famous couldn't be easier with money coming from the trees and girls flinging their bodies at him.

  But one day the two meet, resulting in an array of misadventures between the two. The only question now is who becomes starstruck first?

 I might add some stuff to it 'cause I think it's kinda short but yeah there it is :D                            Alyssa Taylor will be played by Dianna Agron and Ryan Fox will be played by Dez Duron :)

So yup I guess this is the end of Dear, Sincerely, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING, VOTING, COMMENTING, AND FANNING <3


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