Joy of the Unknown

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I packed my bag before getting out of my flight suit, making sure I had all my uniforms nicely folded so they wouldn't get crumpled on the journey. The excitement was still rich in my bones, I smiled to myself as I opened a granola bar and started munching away. I finished packing the majority of my life into one bag, I looked at it sadly wishing I had more. I stayed awake as long as I could because I needed to get back onto a normal dayshift schedule for the academy. Switching like this was brutal and felt like torture it was not a good day for anyone near us because we were so cranky from the lack of sleep. It was a hell that I didn't wish anyone to go through alone. Therefore, it was a good thing Maverick would have Goose with him and vice versa. They really did compliment each other, just as Crystal did for me. That's what made a great RIO, and in our circles when you found someone great you stuck with them because there was no need to forge any other relationships, especially between a pilot and RIO. It applies within personal relationships too, but that is something yet to be seen from the pilot aspect of our lives. Most of them were sluts that just wanted to get off on anything that walked, particularly these self-centered asses.

I sighed, throwing my wrapper in the trashcan near my bed. I undressed, showered, and got into some sleeping clothes which generally just consisted of a t-shirt and underwear. I went into the attached bathroom and brushed my teeth, once I was finished with that, I peeled back the covers on my bed and crawled in feeling the cool sheets on my skin. I reached over to the nightstand and grabbed my book. I started reading happily, I was always a sucker for a romance book. The newest one I had picked up was called Playing the Odds. I started reading and before I knew it sleep over took me.

I groaned as I heard banging on the side of the ship. I rolled over towards the other side of my bed putting the pillow over my head to block it out. I safely lulled back to sleep, hearing doors opening and closing, along with other noises on this ship were common so I didn't think anything of it. That's before I heard his voice.

"Maeve" He whispered, I could feel the heat of his breath on my face. I shot up from my lying position my eyes looking everywhere trying to find the person who was in my room. When I looked to my right I found the assailant, Maverick. I stopped myself from attacking and relaxed in bed rubbing my eyes.

"God Maverick. Why're you here? Why didn't you send in Crystal?" I asked him looking at his face as he knelt down on the floor beside me.

"Well, we figured we would wake you two at the same time, Goose is getting her up and at 'em. So my unlucky choice was you." He sarcastically said.

"Haha, very funny Mav." I chuckled dryly. Feeling my shitty mood set in almost immediately. I wanted to sleep more but I knew with him here that would be impossible. The man was basically a giant toddler, with lots of energy, and always got what he wanted.

"We're taking a helicopter out, we tried to let you sleep as long as we could. I'm sorry Maeve, I know these shifts are hell for you guys. But think on the bright side, we get to be in the Top Gun program." He said, I scoffed and he smiled at my reaction. I noticed he had showered, shaved, and changed into his tans. I covered my face with my hands brushing the hair away from my face.

"All right, how much time do we have?" I asked him.

"Enough to finish if we start now..." He raised his eyebrows at me, flirtatiously. I shoved his shoulder, yeah like that'll ever happen. I cleared my throat and looked at my bag, my tan uniform was in there. I would have to cross the room to get to it. I really did not want to move but I figured I'd make a show out of it since he just made that comment. I pushed the covers off my form and crawled my way towards the end of the edge of the bed going slowly to give him something to look at. I stepped off the bed and walked over to my bag, looking back to Maverick his jaw was slack and he was staring intensely at me. I smiled at his reaction putting the pants on and giggling. I turned towards the door where he couldn't see me and took off my shirt.

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