She gently moved her hands off of the keys as she grabbed the paper lying on her desk. She held up the same image of the burning school as she looked at that one prominent symbol in the corner. The same skull placed on a blooming flower.

'But sometimes the answer is staring you right in the face'

In an instance, Wednesday had made her way out of her dorm and down back to the quad. She had a lead, that needed to be chased down, and she would not wait to follow it.

Wednesday continued across the grass back down the same hall as she came in front of the familiar statue of Edgar Allen Poe.

'Don't worry Edgar Allen, I see your sanctimonious smirk. But I will get the last laugh.'

Wednesday didn't waste any time as she stepped up onto the statue. Bringing out her flashlight, as she examined the metal book in Poe's hands. Only find several sets of engravings on the surface.

'Your penchant for riddles was legendary. And this might be your cleverest yet.'

Nodding to herself, Wednesday hastily brought out a journal and a pencil as she turned back to the metal book.

'Because it's not a single riddle, rather each line is its separate one.' 

She continued analyzing each one row by row, copying the answer down into her notebook.

'The opposite of moon, sun. A world between ours, nether. Two months before June, April. A self-seeding flower, pansy. One more than one, two. Its leaves weep to the ground, willow. It melts in the sun, ice. It's beginning nor end ever found, circle. Every rule has one, exception.'

Wednesday finished writing the last line. And looked at her answers all lined up before her, until she noticed the pattern. Slowly she circled every first letter to every answer. And a message appeared before her, 'Snap twice'

She smiled to herself in triumph as she pocketed her journal and moved to the front of the statue. She lifted her hand as two sharp snaps echoed through the halls.

Suddenly the wings of the eagle perched in the statue's palm, creaked as the metal feathers bowed downward. A light click sounded off, as the dust began to shift and the statue received backward revealing a staircase descending downwards.

"I call some major BS on that."

Y/n suddenly appeared from around the corridor, arms behind his back as he approached. Wednesday remained unphased, merely staring back at him coldly. But she did notice a small tear on the side of his pants, and a thin line of blood trickling down from a scrape, but chose not to mention it.

"I mean what legitimate mechanism could be in that statue, that responds to snapping?" he continued.

Wednesday pushed past Y/n's usual drivel as she spoke, "I didn't see you at the award ceremony."

Y/n appeared to tense slightly at the question but quickly resumed his laid-back demeanor, "Eh, you know I was still a bit cold and off balance from the swim in the river. So I decided to stay in my room for a while."

Wednesday nodded, though she knew Y/n was keeping something from her. But at the moment there was a more pressing mystery to be tackled. Still, though, she wanted to make her intentions clear to him.

"Y/n you are many things, but a good liar is not one of them. Wherever you were, I'm sure has no real concern to me. But do not get comfortable with lying to me so casually." she spoke seriously, "Furthermore you and I still need to discuss your powers and everything you have not told me. For instance what that creature was back in the forest of shadows."

The young Nevermore student groaned in response. Crossing his arms as he looked back at her, "Would you stop talking about that? I told you where we were going and that it would be dangerous. I was just trying to help, and use my abilities to help solve the case. Can't you just be happy I was being useful?"

Wednesday narrowed her eyes further, "Not when being useful entails being chased by a monster with the rotting skull of a buck."

"You're so annoying sometimes. You know that?" Y/n answered.

Wednesday rolled her eyes, "Look Y/n, under normal circumstances, I would not care about any of what you do. Just as I would expect you not to care about any of what I do. But despite what either of us may think, we have both agreed to be partners. So we may solve a case the danger of which has somehow eluded this whole town."

Wednesday looked up at Y/n letting her cold gaze stare at his for a moment before continuing, "So for this arrangement to work, as much as it pains me to speak it. We need some communication. Sherlock and Wattson, only got as far as they did because they were able to lean on each other. So that means you must be prepared to answer me when I ask you something."

Y/n let out a long sigh, taking a few steps back before responding, "Wednesday I get it okay. I need to be open. And I'll do that, Superman and Batman are a great team because they can talk to each other. But what I think you don't understand is that this is a two-way streak. You expect me to open up about everything, but you won't even tell me what all these sudden visions you're getting are from."

Wednesday narrowed her eyes on Y/n further as she replied, "Who told you about the visions?"

Y/n looked back at her sighing as he answered, "Thing told me."

Wednesday clenched her fist, "That appendage is going to lose some digits."

Y/n crossed his arms again looking down at the Young Addams judgingly, "So when were you going to tell me about that?"

She responded in the same cold tone, "When the information became pertinent to the case."

Y/n rolled his eyes, "You sound like Batman, justifying hiding contingency plans from his friends. But look Wednesday I get it. You don't like sharing and I don't like sharing. We're both anxious about ourselves and our problems and don't want to bring other people into it. But for this moment at least can we just set our differences aside and go down the scary dark tunnel and get this mystery moving? We can open up and do all the niceties later."

Wednesday sighed pausing for a brief moment before responding, "Fine, but we are going to discuss at length tomorrow."

Without another word, the young Addams continued into the dark tunnel Y/n following behind her. She quickly lifted her flashlight illuminating the path ahead as the two made their way down the stairs.

They passed portraits upon portraits adorning the stairwell of old Nevermore attendants. People back from the 1800s up until today.

And eventually, the two came out to the floor below, as the stairway came out into a large room. More portraits lined the walls all of them staring down at the center towards Wednesday and Y/n.

And as the young Addams searched she even found a portrait of her parents.

"That's your mom and dad?" Y/n asked.

Wednesday nodded lightly, "By blood but not spirit."

He shrugged, "Personally your dad looks far too happy to be related to you. But your mom, that is some prime Wednesday cynical stare."

Wednesday looked back at him with the same cold glare, and Y/n quickly moved away from her, as the two continued to sift through the room. 

Slowly Wednesday found a bookshelf set against one of the far walls. She quickly examined the rows of purple-bound books, peering at the dust lining the shelf. Until she spotted a strange lack of ancient dirt and grime beneath one of the books as if it had recently been pulled out.

In an instance, Wednesday grabbed the spine of the book and sifted through the pages until she spotted one of the sections with a drawing similar to the one she had found already. And a page missing and clearly ripped out of the book.

She quickly pocketed the book and went to move aside when suddenly Y/n yelled out.

"What the-"

His exclamation was suddenly cut off as a blur of movement overtook him. Wednesday pivoted on her heel to combat whatever attacker had come upon them. But there was no time to react as a bag was suddenly shoved over her head, and darkness overtook her vision.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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