Therapy And Duels of The Literary

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In a few hours Wednesday was back at Nevermore Academy walking out to the open green patches beside the school as she straightened her uniform. Letting out an exhale of air she turned and saw Enid along with a few other students she recognized from Ophelia Hall. All painting and modifying a large canoe that appeared to be fashioned in the image of a black cat.

"Ladies, come on! Let's work on those teeth. More scowl. This kitty is taking no prisoners. I" Enid advised as the other painted the face. "If Bianca Barclay wins again this year, I will literally scratch my own eyes out!"

"I would pay money to see that."

Wednesday suddenly appeared beside Enid as she turned to face her.

"Howdy roomy! I'm so glad you decided to stay."

Wednesday crossed her arms, "I thought you wanted your single room back."

Enid readjusted her painting apron as she replied. "Full disclosure, I don't like living solo and Thing gives a killer neck massage. It's a win-win." she reasoned. "So why the change of heart?"

"I refuse to play the role of a pawn in someone else's corrupt game."

The young werewolf nodded, "You mean Rowan?"

"I witnessed his murder Enid."

She pursed her lips, "It's just we all saw him this morning, very not dead. And it's not the best look when the two new students rumored to be murderers. Say they witnessed a murder."

Wednesday nodded lightly, "That's why I think I may be losing my mind. While I and Y/n are exhibiting a case of folie à deux." she sighed in exasperation. "Who knew I'd go mad with a Batman fan boy."

Enid nodded slowly, "Yeah, speaking of which where is the murder boy anyway?"

"After our therapy session, he told me he was going to take a walk, out in the woods."

Her more colorful counterpart replied, "Yeah still not helping your case much, if he's hanging out in the woods."

Wednesday pushed the comment aside, continuing her investigation. "Well if I am going to share  insanity with him, I may as well know more about him. You're Nevermore's gossip queen, what's Y/n's story?"

Enid nodded, "Besides the whole axe murder conspiracy." she said, "Bit of a weird loner,  uh . . . no offense. 

"None taken."

"He's a bit of nerd, keeps to himself, doesn't really talk to anyone. Well except you really. But yeah . . . also there were some rumors about him sneaking off campus a lot, but there was no proof, so . . ."

Wednesday nodded lightly, "Anything about his outcast type?"

"Normie, but some students ask the teachers not to say what they are. So I guess he could be something different."

Wednesday sighed to herself, still reflecting over the folie à deux. Then sighing to herself before continuing.

"How about Rowan?"

Enid replied, "Not much on him either. Also a loner, uh . . .  Xavier Thorpe is his roommate. If you had a cell phone, you could just text him and ask more."

Before continuing Enid shot back towards the other students still working on the canoe. "Yoko. Come on! Flare those whiskers. The Poe Cup droops for no one."

Wednesday glanced towards the night black boat. "What is the Poe Cup anyways?"

Enid whipped back towards her as her voice grew in intensity. "It's my entire reason for living right now. Part canoe race, part foot chase, no rules. Each dorm has to pick an Edgar Allan Poe short story for inspiration."

Wednesday x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now