Chapter 6, Lapis Allies

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"That.. Is Project A." The Librarian said, With pride. I looked With amazement. It had a diamond core in the center of its chest, It's eyes shining blue. It looked sort of like a piston? Damien walked up to the machine. "Librarian said he tested this thing enough times, It should be a counter to the darkness if it's powerful enough." He said. I nodded. "Assistant, Activation code. Blue." Librarian said. The robotic steve suddenly stepped out of the machine and walked towards the librarian. "Order confirmed, Would you like me to do anything else?" It said. Damien sat down on a chair, While I eyed the machine. "So it's named Project Assistant?" I Said. The librarian looked at me. "Yup! My best creation yet, Well besides the.. Never mind." He said. I looked at him with confusion. "Anyways! Damien, Why don't we tell Evan here about our guests that we have!" Librarian said. Damien sat up from his chair. "Yeah, Come on Evan. We have a few people that could possibly help beat the darkness." Damien said, Grabbing my wrist and taking me to a door in the lab. He opened the door and there was what seemed to be a room where you would put an enchanting table. Of course, I saw books and in the middle I saw an enchantment table. But there were 4 Lapis Steves in the room. "Uh.. Hi?" I said. A Lapis Steve with a crown walked up to me. "Hello, I am the Lapis King. You are?" Lapis King said, reaching out his hand. "I'm Evan, the Emerald Prince." I said, shaking the kings hand. The King stepped back and motioned for a Lapis Steve with a lab coat and a monocle to talk to me. "I'm the Lapis Enchanter, But you can call me Lance." Lance said, Backing away once he finished speaking. The third and fourth Lapis Steves walked up to me, They were wearing clothes like an elite would. "I am Liam, This is Leo." One of the Steve's said. "We are Elites." Leo Said. "I figured." I responded. "These guys could enchant things and make them stronger, I was thinking if they could enchant us Ore Steve's." Damien said. "Not a bad idea." I Said. I walked over to the enchantment table, It radiated energy that seemed to be an ancient language? "We will get to the enchanting thing tomorrow, For now I will discuss things with the other 3." Lapis King said. I nodded, And me and Damien left the room. We went to the elevator and went to the floor the library was on. The left the library and walked out of the castle. It was pretty late. "It's late, I convinced a few people to give you a house while you were in the hospital. It's right in front of the hospital, Actually. It has new clothes for you as well." Damien said, Walking back into the castle. I went to the house he was talking about and went in. A green shirt with short sleeves, Pants, and Shoes were on the table next to a bed. I put those clothes on and sat down on the bed. "Time to get some sleep, Tomorrow might be a big day." I said, Laying down and resting my eyes.

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