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Me and the Diamond Steve appeared on a platform, I looked around. Diamond Steves were everywhere! Suddenly, I felt immense pain through my body. The Diamond Steve grabbed me before I could fall. "You good? This isn't a very good introduction. I'm Damien, The Diamond Prince." Damien said. I looked at him. "I'm Evan, And I need a hospital or something." I said to him in the most unenthusiastic voice possible. Damien sighed and walked me over to a large building. Stepping inside, It seemed to be a medical tower. I could see injured Diamond Steves, and one Gold Steve. The doctors were Diamond Steves. 3 Doctors came up to us and sat me down on a bed. "So, What happened to the emerald kingdom. And.. That Obsidian Steve you were with. I saw he died." Damien said. I looked down sadly. It had just occurred to me that he was gone, I didn't have time to react because Damien saved me at the last second. I felt tears in my eyes, Because while thinking of Obsidians death, I thought of my father and the others as well. I wiped the tears off my face and looked up. "The kingdom is gone, It was destroyed by someone named Shadow Steve." I said. The doctors were writing this down, Damien was intrigued. "It seems the darkness has returned, Though technically it never left." Damien said. I looked at him with confusion. "What do you mean it never left?" I asked. Damien sighed. "It simply went back into.. The Void. It was preparing after it killed the Amethyst and Copper Steve's." Damien answered. "How do you know that?" I asked. Damien pulled up his shirt, Revealing a scar of darkness. He put the shirt back down. I slightly backed up. "Are you- Infected?" I asked. Damien looked annoyed. "No, I'm not. The scar was meant to kill me, Not infect me." He Said. I nodded. My pain had mostly gone away. The doctors told me to lie down. I did what they asked. "We're going to see what that pain was, You will be asleep once the operation starts." A doctor said. I nodded. I closed my eyes, And everything went dark.

A few hours later.

I had been woken up by someone tapping my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw it was Damien. "Hey." He said. I waved at him. "They found what caused the pain, You got hurt a bit during your fight." Damien said. My eyes went wide. Why hadn't I noticed until then? It doesn't matter now. What does matter is beating Shadow. Damien helped me get up from the hospital bed. "I'll take you to the king, He's my father and he already knows your here." Damien said. We walked over to the largest castle I've ever seen. It's larger than the emerald castle. It had a large diamond in the middle of it. "Woah." I said. Damien chuckled. "You'll get used to it, At least if you plan on staying." He said. I smiled. Looking back at the castle, I took a deep breath. "Let's go."

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