Chapter 5, Story of the Darkness

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We walked into the castle, immediately greeted by Guards. "Hello, Sir Damien. Who is this?" One of them said. Damien looked bothered. "This is Evan, Now move out of my way." He said. The guards moved. We walked up a flight of stairs, I saw Diamond Steves talking and some were looking at me. I put my head down and followed Damien. We ended up in the throne room, being greeted by Diamond Elders and Elites. At the end of the room was a throne, The Diamond King sitting on it. Damien somewhat showed a face of dread. "Hello, Damien." The Diamond King said. Damien sighed. "Hello, Father." He said. The Diamond King stepped down from his throne, Walking towards me. He had a smirk on his face. "So, Emett finally kicked the bucket?" He said. My eyes went wide. Damien looked at him with anger. The Elders seemed to not care. "You- What the hell?! Why would you say something like that!" Damien shouted. The King scoffed. "What? I'm stating a fact." He said. I looked at him. "If you don't shut up I'll make you." I said, under my breath. Though he seemed to hear me. He grabbed my neck and picked me up. "You listen here, This is MY kingdom. You follow MY rule. You do not EVER disrespect THE DIAMOND KING!" He shouted, Summoning lightning behind him. He let me go and I fell to the ground. I coughed, I tried not to let my anger get too out of control. The King looked at me again. "Go to the library, You can stay just don't get in my way." He said. I got up and stormed out the room. Damien followed. I sat on a chair outside the throne room. "Hey man, Sorry for what he said.. He doesn't usually act like this. At least to visitors, I'm used to him treating me like that." Damien said. I looked up at him. I smiled, He smiled back. "Thanks for not being a jerk." I said. "Anytime." Damien said. "Now cmon, The library has information you might wanna hear." He said, Grabbing my hand and dragging me down the hall. We stopped at a large door, Damien opened it. There were so many bookshelves, I could barely fathom how many books this place had. Damien grabbed a book and gave it to me. "Read that, It's about The Void." He said. I nodded. I opened the book.

Long ago, The Steve's lived in harmony. There were many types of steves, spanning from chromatic to ore, to biome. But.. One day that all changed. The old Red King grew sick one day, He said he heard voices within his mind. Everyone had thought he had gone mad! An infection spread throughout his body. This infection was dubbed the darkness, As the king broke out of the cage and destroyed his own kingdom. For years, he destroyed the different Steve's. The last Red Elites stood up to stop him, But something strange happened. The body of an elite named Flint was recovered, But the other red elite and the red king that was named Abyss Steve were missing from the scene. Only the ores survived this terrible time. For some time, everything was fine. Until the copper and amethyst steves suddenly were killed. The same infection surrounded the bodies of them, The Darkness seemed to have returned.

Closing the book, A hooded figure walked up to us. "Hello." They said. Damien smiled. "Evan, This is the librarian." He said. I smiled at the librarian. "Hello! You must be the Emerald Prince." He said. I nodded. "Great! Damien, Do you mind if I show him Project A?" The Librarian said. "I don't mind." Damien responded. The Librarian grabbed my hand and brought me to the back of the library. He took us into an elevator and pressed a button that pushed it down. The door opened revealing a lab. "Did you make all of this?" I said, walking around. "Yup! Took me about a week." Librarian said. I looked over to a machine, It held a mechanical looking Steve in it. "What is this?" I asked. "That.. Is Project A."

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