29 - About dad

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From: Haechan
To: Yeoreum
Today's your dad's memorial service, right? How are you feeling? Are you preparing the food with your mom?
The guys and I are going out for dinner tonight so if you want to get something else to think about afterwards, you should join us. I can text you the address if you want.
Btw, 'guys' means my flat mates. Jisung has an important exam next week so he can't join us but the rest will be there. They are curious to meet you.
They're super easy-going.
Why are you reading my messages and not replying? ㅠㅠ

Yeoreum stared at the messages Haechan was sending, amazed by his speed. She would've never been able to type so quickly.

"What is your boyfriend saying?"

Startled, Yeoreum looked up to her mom who was preparing the dishes for the jesa table they would set for her dad later in the afternoon. Yeoreum had offered her help half-heartedly and hadn't been surprised when mom declined – her lacking cooking skills would've only added to her mother's workload. Yeowoon would've been more helpful but he had left the house before dawn and wouldn't return until the service was over. He had even left his car behind so it was clear that the day was just as difficult for him as it was for Yeoreum.

"I don't have a boyfriend", she said defensively.

Her mom had an innocent face but her eyes twinkled. "I considered asking him to join us for today's service but since it's still such a new relationship, maybe we should wait until next year."

Yeoreum's phone buzzed – another message from Haechan.

With a knowing smile, her mom resumed cutting vegetables. "Does he know what day it is today? Is that why he's spamming you?"

Yeoreum nodded. "He's the one who told me that I should participate in the memorial service in the first place."

If possible, her words made her mom even happier. "I should feed that boy more often." She lifted the knife in her hand and pointed it towards her daughter. "Pufferfish, you better not be mean to him. It's good for you to be around a guy like him."

Yeoreum scoffed. Even if hanging out with Haechan was like a breath of fresh air, it could never happen. She was going to kill his friend and destroy his family.

She had allowed Haechan to hold her hand the night before when she walked him out after the dinner but it was clear that it had to end now. Yeoreum could no longer prolong finishing the job when Dr. An was one step away from contacting her psycho ex who would torture and kill everyone around her.

Yeoreum fixed her gaze on her mom. Her own family had to be her priority. She had to protect her friends, Yeowoon and, especially, her mom. As painful as it was, she couldn't be soft-hearted. She had to take a life in order to protect the lives around her.

"Mom", she spoke quietly. "The village of Anbandegi has amazing stargazing spots. I even saw the milky way from there and some star constellations. It's close to Gangneung so when we go to the beach, we can go there as well."

She could bear the burden of her actions as long as her mom could live happily.

Her mom tilted her head, confused by the change in Yeoreum's tone but didn't comment on it. Instead, she smiled. "So, have you already visited there? With Haechan, right?"

Alarmed, Yeoreum frowned. "Did he tell you about it yesterday?"

Mom shrugged. "I guessed from the way you were talking about it." She was pleased with her successful deduction. "You never look like that when you talk about Sungchan and Shotaro, and we both know that you don't have any other friends."

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