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As the days passed, Donghyuck's health became more fragile, and the hospital became their haven, a sanctuary of love where they could be together without any worries or distractions. They spent countless hours holding hands, sharing stories of their past and dreams of the future. Donghyuck's laughter was like a precious melody that filled the room, bringing warmth to Renjun's heart even on the darkest days.

In those moments of vulnerability, Renjun learned to appreciate the little things that made Donghyuck happy. They would talk about their favorite books, binge-watch TV shows, and even create silly inside jokes that only they understood. Every day became a treasure, and their love blossomed like a rare flower in the face of adversity.

One quiet afternoon, when the sun's rays streamed through the window, painting a golden path across the floor, Donghyuck looked at Renjun with earnest eyes. "Renjun, do you believe in soulmates?"

Renjun smiled softly, shrugging a bit, "Mmh, I do. I believe that some souls are destined to find each other, no matter the circumstances."

Donghyuck nodded, smiling a little, "I think we were meant to find each other, even if it was for just a little while."

Renjun's heart swelled with love, thinking for the right words to say, "Our paths crossed for a reason, and I'm grateful for every moment we've shared...really."

Their conversations shifted to deeper topics — life, love, and the mysteries of the universe. They found comfort in discussing what lay beyond this world, imagining a realm where love knew no bounds. Their belief in the eternity of love became their source of strength, knowing that even when they were physically apart, their souls would remain intertwined forever.

Despite the overwhelming emotions, they found moments of lightheartedness too. Donghyuck's sense of humor remained intact, and he often teased Renjun, lightening the mood when sadness threatened to engulf them. They exchanged funny stories, creating cherished memories even in the midst of the inevitable.

One evening, as the moon cast its gentle glow, Donghyuck whispered, "Renjun, promise me something."

Renjun held his hand tightly, "Anything, Donghyuck. I promise."

"I want you to promise that you'll find happiness after I'm gone. I know it'll be hard, but I want you to live your life to the fullest, to find joy and love again," Donghyuck said, his voice wavering with emotion.

Renjun fought back tears, plastering on a small tight-lipped smile as he nodded, "I promise, Donghyuck. I'll carry your love with me always, and I'll live a life that honors the love we shared."

Their love was an anchor in the storm, giving them the strength to face the reality of their limited time together. They knew their journey was nearing its end, but the love they found in each other transcended the boundaries of life and death. In their hearts, they had forever.

As the days turned to nights, their love grew deeper and more profound. Their souls danced in harmony, bound together by an unbreakable thread of affection and devotion. When the final day arrived, Donghyuck was surrounded by the warmth of Renjun's love, cradled in his arms as the world outside the hospital faded away.

Renjun held Donghyuck close, tears streaming down his cheeks, and whispered, "Thank you for choosing me, for loving me. You'll always be my heart's greatest love."

With a soft smile, Donghyuck whispered back, "And you'll always be mine."


oopsies :(

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