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Third Person's Point of View

After Jungkook stormed off from his locker, he walked into his assigned class and sat in the very far back, he can see without a problem because his eyesight is very clear since he is the most powerful wolf in school— but back to the point, Jungkook leaned onto his arms as he sighs in anger at his step-mother and silently growled at his attitude towards his mate earlier.

"Yeah, thanks for noticing that" he groaned in annoyance when he heard his wolf's voice in their mind link

He groaned in annoyance and quietly banged his head on the desk wanting to ignore his wolf, but he knows that he can't as his wolf will just continue to annoy him until he responds. Jungkook knows that the only time that his wolf will annoy him, is when the wolf knows that he's done something to insult or hurt him.

"Shut the fuck up King" Jungkook links back

"No, I WON'T shut up! You just glared at OUR mate!" King tells him, his voice laced with venom and anger

"So?" Jungkook asks, and King wants nothing more than to bite his human's head off for what he did to their mate earlier

"So? sO?! Is that all you can say Jungkook?! "SO"?!" King snarls at him

"What's the big deal?" Jungkook asks

"Jungkook, you just glared at OUR mate with DISGUST and HATRED! And that's not HOW you GREET your mate!!" King angrily yells at him

"Well I already told you King, I DON'T want a mate" Jungkook snaps

King felt his world slow when his human said that, he thought that meeting their mate would change his mind— but guess not, he sighed and decided to say one last thing to the other, before he goes towards another part of his human's mind, not wanting to talk to Jungkook for the mean time.

"I thought you'd change your mind when we meet our mate, but seeing what you did earlier made me realize that you're stubborn ass isn't capable of love, I'll try to link my mate's wolf and tell him about you— but if this is what you want, then I respect it, but don't come crying to me when you regret your decision of mistreating MY mate" King says, his tone cold

Jungkook felt his wolf leave him alone and he couldn't be more thankful, but King's words kept on repeating in his mind— he decided to shrug it off when he sees the other students started coming into the room, he greeted his friends before looking forward when the teacher came in and greeted the class before starting the roll-call.
Meanwhile with Taehyung, since it was only his first day Namjoon and Yoongi led him around the campus so that he can get to know his surroundings, at first Taehyung told them that he can ask someone else to tour him, but both the Alphas shook their heads and told him that it was fine, since both males are top students in their class, so the teachers said that it was okay for them to tour him around.

Yoongi and Namjoon were both making eye contact, like they were communication telepathically since after Taehyung told them that he met his mate, well, more like had a staring contest with him but aside from that— the two Alphas were mad that their precious little brother [A/N: Yoongi sees Taehyung as a little brother] had his heart broken from his mate's attitude towards him, so they decided to be the ones who tour Taehyung around the campus to make him feel better, Namjoon even invited Jieun and Bogum later for lunch to meet the Omega.

Taehyung was looking around the campus in awe as he was fascinated by the structures of the school, and even though it's an all Alpha school, he feels kind of comfortable with the aesthetic of the campus that made him forget that it was a school for Alphas— he even managed to capture many hearts of the staffs and professors of the campus as the Omega greeted them with a heart-warming smile, his unique boxy-smile that he inherited from his mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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