Ch-32 Spilled milk 🥛

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I cant help but scrunch my face, staring down the courtyard. Wellstone private school home of the most repulsive people you could possibly meet in a lifetime.


I wrench my attention away from the flow of the students entering the school and instead to the notification that just popped up

Nail polish emo (sera)



:R u here yet?

:Dont skip on me los3r


I read the message and smile wryly, slipping the phone into my pocket.

yeah right..

I pick up my sullied spirit and step pass the gate, feeling a couple cautious glances but nothing more, I decide to pick up the pace. the sooner I get inside and into class the less chance there is of me having to beat someone into the floor.

I take a bold first step, the hall is slightly packed, most students lingering to the side of the hallway chatting and some busily making their way to class

If I had any good memories with this place, id be reminiscing right about now, too bad I don't.

I continue to walk down the hall, the idle chatting replaced with whispers and the sharp sting of glares. I feel the stares of scorn, confusion, hatred, disbelief.. I can feel them all like needles being stuck into every corner of my body.

This feels just like New Boston.

My brows scrunch further than before into a scowl.

I stiffen my neck and look straight forward, my pace hastening along with my breathing

Ignore it. Ignore it, John.

The whispers grow louder and the inhumane desire to make them shut up by force is deluding my senses

Fucking trash.

My scowl only grows as I strain to keep myself calm

Subconsciously my eyes stray from where I was looking and hook onto some green haired mid tier talking obnoxiously loud about me

"What're you glaring at!?" He shouts my way, stepping closer and cocking his chin up

Fucking trash.

the voice in my head repeats itself

My pace slows as I lock eyes with him, my anger not subsiding in the slightest. He takes a step closer eyes enraged and glowing ready to-

My body jerks downwards


An arm is slung over my shoulder. I pause for a moment in pure shock, Im being carried away like the wind, the person.. or the group is practically dragging me down the hall that be it; in a more civilized way. I take a harsh swing ready to throw off the arm and cuss whoever is draped over me but the arm stays its place firmly, I turn to see.. Blyke??

Followed by Remi, Isen and..


I feel my whole body shiver when she looks up at me

We haven't gotten the chance to talk properly about.. everything, we haven't even seen each other after the day at the mall and despite her friendly smile a small part of my brain still echoes

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