Ch-10 Cake and confession

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Johns pov

Hang on! Walk slowly, the cake might slip away!

Elaine can you put the game consoles over there?
Yea- wait! not on the floor!

I sigh, collapsing onto the couch from the exhaustion of lifting atleast twenty boxes filled to the brim of trendy games and consoles which i am 100% sure we wont be using half of

Tsk.. i hate having some rat who cant mind their goddamn business order me around like some lackey, but i have to be on my best behaviour since sera is here..


I hear the hardwood floor creak as a hard force pushes on it

Right below my feet i see an equally exhausted Arlo sprawled across the planks, huffing and heaving from the games he also carried up

"Why...why do we need all of these? Surely you dont plan to play this all in one night.." he coughs

"Of course! Were gonna be keeping remi company the entire night afterall" Isen scoffs, nose high

"This is overboard. the entire living room is filled with games!" Arlo refutes again

I look away from the squable to see Elaine and Remi in the kitchen, talking over a glass of apple juice smiling and giggling

Sweet, but gross, but also sweet

Looking slightly to the left i see blyke carry in the last box, with some kind of...machine in it?

"Alright lets get this party started!" Isen cheers behind me




"There is no way in fucking hell im paying blyke a fee." Isen complains

"Well you rolled onto his property so you have to!" Remi reasons

"Hes in jail! A criminal!! Im not giving money to a criminal!" He whines

"Just gimme my damn money asshole!" Blyke argues

"nOOO ill go bankrupt!" I watch isen flail as if hes about to die

"Join the club bitch." I say somewhat offended

Isen thinks, his little rat brain wheels visibly turning

"Actually.. Im pretty sure i saw arlo skip ur block last round John" Isen turns the focus

"What?? No didnt." Arlo defends

"Woww, did he really?" He stares

"Yea! And i saw him steal some money too!" Isens eyes gleam

"Huh, wow, i guess he really doesnt deserve the fee" I agree again

Its crystal clear that Isen is lying but that doesnt seem to faze him at the moment, the annoyance on arlos face is way more amusing

"Hes clearly lying you shithead." Arlo squints

"Huh? How could you accuse your friend of lying Arlo" John smirks

"Hes not my-"

" I think he really doesnt deserve any money after that, dont you think Remi?" I say flatly

"Alright! How about we switch games now" Remi puts her hand up

"Oh cmon! But im about to win!" I sigh as i see Elaine pout in the corner of my eye, again.

what, was it the 6th time now?

"You've won 4 times in a row." Blyke deadpans

"Fine fine.." She finally gives up

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