First Hunt

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Uru's POV

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Uru's POV

It's time for our first hunt, Tama, Nala and mine. Not much has happened since the first week. Just more of the same since dad took over. But Zira got me mad and I bite her ear. Before she could retaliate though. Dad appeared and put her in her place. She is very angry and is always glaring at me when dad isn't around. But she knows better then to attack me with him as king.

Sarafina was still being friendly with Scar. Though I haven't seen her outside meals the last few weeks. I've tried to ask Nala about it. But she is being very tight lipped about it. She says all will be reveal soon. Whatever that means. However, today we are focusing on our first hunt. Aunt Sarabi watching us with Scar from the top of a nearby hill.

As we stalk a herd of gazelle. Tama and I fan out so that we can push them towards Nala. Who lays in wait to ambush them. And separate the one we had chosen. It's time to see if all our training in hunting and team work has paid off.

I look over at Tama locking eyes with her. I nod and we focus back on the herd. We spring forward out of the tall grass with low roars. Startling the herd and they begin to run. We give chase, herding them towards Nala. I notice a young male with a limp.

I lock eyes with Nala and look at it. She snarls and springs forward. The herd split up. We manage to get the male away from the herd and chase him towards  a rocky area. Cornering him and Tama tackles him. Pinning him to the ground and I end his life quickly. Nala roars signifying we had completed our hunt.

Sarabi and dad appear. "Very well done girls" she praises.

"Why a gazelle?" dad asks.

"We discussed it at length and though we can hunt. We are still not big enough to take on something like a buffalo" I tell him.

"But we will be soon" Nala adds.

"Very well, lets eat" he says. He eats first then we did. We then return to the den as a couple of hyenas came to finish off the carcass. When we arrive I see Sarafina had returned. Nala smiles and runs over to her.

"How did it go?" Sarafina asks.

"We were successful" Nala tells her. "How is he?" she asks looking at something in front of Sarafina. I frown in confusion and head over with the others.

"He is fine" Sarafina says smiling down at the thing in front of her. When I draw nearer I notice it's a cub, a male cub. Only a few week old. She smiles up at us as dad approaches her.

 She smiles up at us as dad approaches her

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"What is he called?" he asks.

"Mheetu" she says fondly. "I promise he will not cause trouble" she assures him.

"He had better not, not with Zira pregnant with our future heir" he states. I look at him surprised. I'm getting a younger sibling?

"I will make sure of it" she assures him.

"We shall see" he states. Before leaving us. We all gather around and fawn over the newest addition to the pride. Mheetu is very cute.

"Don't worry Sarafina, I'll make sure nothing happens to Mheetu" I assure her.

"We all will" Nala and Tama state.

"Thank you girls" she says with a smile.

Third Persons POV

"Well?" Zira asks.

"It's male" Uma answers and Zira snarls.

"We'll make sure he won't threaten your cub" Kwami assures her.

"Yes, you are pregnant with Scar's heir. Sarafina's brat is the son of a rogue, your's is the son of a king" Daphne declares.

"And the others will join us soon" Uma states.

"You've heard from them?" Zira asks.

"Not directly, but I know they are joining us in about six months" Uma explains.

"Then you'll be queen" Kwami adds and Zira smirks. She then leads them out on a hunt. Wanting to fed her growing cub and ensure it's stronger then Sarafina's when it's born. Praying it's a boy.

Uru's POV

"Dad, is it true?" I ask as I join him at the top of pride rock.

"Is what true?" he asks.

"Am I really getting a younger sibling?" I ask him.

"Yes" he says. "In about three months time" he states.

"How come?" I ask confused.

"I need an heir" he states.

"But can't I lead? I am your daughter" I state.

"Adopted daughter" he states. "And males lead the pride, not the females. I need a blood heir" he tells me. "Strong one" he adds.

"And you think Zira will give you one?" I ask him.

"Yes, she is a strong proud lioness" he tells me.

"If she doesn't?" I ask him.

"Then I will mate with another" he states.

"And the cub?" I ask.

"There is no place for weak cubs in this pride" he tells me and I look at him shocked. Is he implying he'd kill his own cub? My future sibling if he or she is weak? "You need not worry about it Uru, focus on becoming stronger" he instructs.

"Yes dad" I say. I left him vowing to protect my future sibling anyway possible from his wraith. Ensure he or she grows up. Even if it means I have to fight him and Zira.


Picture above of Uru and Nala now. Picture in chapter of Tama, Sarafina and Mheetu.

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