Day with Mufasa

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Uru's POV

I sigh as I look longingly out at the pride lands. Wishing I could explore. I'm still grounded. Nala was grounded to, but her punishment ended today. Simba only got a lecture from his father. Dad told me, he'd be taking Simba on a walk tomorrow. I wanted to go, but he told me no. As I am still grounded.

"Morning young one" Mufasa says startling me. I look up as he approaches. He smiles at me and lets out a roar looking at the horizon.

"What are you doing?" I ask him curious.

"Letting the pride lands know I am still king and strong" he states.

"Oh" I say.

"I haven't seen you much Uru, nor have the others. Are you ok?" he asks me concerned.

"Fine, just grounded" I mumble.

"I see" he says. "Well come along" he tells me.

"What?" I ask him confused as he starts to leave.

"You'll be coming with me today" he states.

"But I'm grounded, dad said not to leave pride rock" I state.

"You'll be with me" he states. "Your father knows this and you will not get into trouble" he tells me. I bite my lip as I follow him down pride rock.

"Are you sure?" I ask him.

"Yes" he says. "So what has your been teaching you?" he asks as we set off to tour the pride lands together.

"That lions rule this land and are grand. That we should crush any resistance, so enemies keep their distance. To show weakness" I state. He sighs.

"He has been teaching you poorly" he states.

"What?" I ask him shocked.

"It is our duty to protect this land, to cherish it. We only fight when needed, just as we hunt when we are hungry. Not for the thrill of the kill" he tells me.

"But I always thought a king could go wherever he wanted, take any territory" I say confused.

"While others search for what they can take, a true king searches for what he can give" he tells me.

"I still don't get it" I admit and he chuckles.

"This land belongs to no one, but is ours to protect. A great responsibility" he tells me. "Everything the light touches is our land to protect" he states.

"And you'll always be king?" I ask him curious.

"A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Uru, the sun will set on my time here. As it did my father before me. And will rise with Simba as the new king" he tells me.

"But what about me? Where do I fit in that world?" I ask him confused.

"You are apart of the pride, you'll become a fine hunter one day and help protect the land" he states. "Who knows, maybe one day you'll find a mate and have cubs of your own" he adds as we reach the top of a hill over looking the water hole.

"I don't think dad would like that" I admit. He chuckles. "I just want to know who I really am" I tell him.

"No one can tell you who your are, only guide you" he tells me. "Only you will know who you really are, in here" he say gesturing to my heart. "I know you will do the right thing" he states.

"How am I supposed to know what's right and wrong when you & dad contradict each other?" I ask him confused.

"Trust me Uru, when the times comes you'll know" he assures me.

"Can you tell me about this circle of life, you and the others talk about?" I ask him.

"Everything you see exists together, in a delicate balance" he states as he heads for the water hole and I follow him. Walking by his side. "As a future huntress, you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope" he tells me.

"But don't we hunt the antelope?" I ask him.

"Yes, Uru but let me explains" he says ducking down to my level as we pause. "When we die, our bodies become the grass, and the antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connected in the great Circle of Life" he explains.

"Does that mean we can't kill just any antelope?" I ask curious.

"That's right" he says nodding his head. "Sarabi and the other lioness will explain when you begin your training" he states.

"I was supposed to start that day you saved me, then I got grounded" I tell him.

"You are still young Uru, enjoy being a cub while it lasts" he tells me. "There's plenty of time for growing up in the future" he states. We reach the water hole and take a drink.

"Where to next?" I ask him.

"I must go on patrol" he states.

"Can I come?" I ask.

"Of course, stay close" he says and we begin patrol. We patrol the whole territory. We see the wildebeest herd grazing by the gorge. While the zebra and antelope are on the meadow. The giraffes on the savanna and elephants by the river with the rhinos & hippos. No signs of rogues or hyenas.

"How come you allow cheetahs here?" I ask him curious.

"We have a peace treaty, we leave them alone and they leave us alone" he states. "They usually hunt on the savanna or open plains" he adds. "They also respect the circle of life" he finishes.

"Are we heading back now?" I ask as the sun begins to set. He nods his head. "What happens if I need your guidance in future and you aren't here?" I ask him. As the stars begin to appear.

"Let me tell you something my father once told me and I've told Simba" he states looking up at the stars. "Look at the stars" he says and I do so. "The Great Kings of the Past look down on us from those stars" he tells me.

"Even your dad?" I ask.

"Yes" he says.

"So whenever you or Simba feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be there to guide you...and so will I" he states.

"I can't see them" I say with a pout and he chuckles.

"You will when you need them most" he assures me as we reach pride rock. "Go sleep now young one" he tells me.

"Can I come with you tomorrow?" I ask him hopeful.

"Not tomorrow young one" he tells me. "Maybe the following day" he says and licks my forehead. Before nudging me towards dad and my cave. I smile and head for it.

"Where have you been?" dad demands.

"With Mufasa" I state.

"I did not expect you to be with him all day" he states.

"He gave me a tour of the pride lands" I tell him.

"See anything interesting?" he asks.

"Not really, learnt a lot though. We saw the wildebeest by the gorge" I explain. He looks thoughtful and heads for the exit. "Where are you going?" I ask curious.

"Not your concerned, after tomorrow you'll no longer be grounded" he tells me. I smile. "Now sleep" he states and left. I curl up in the warmest corner and doze off.

Scar's POV

I meet Shenzi at the border. "The gorge tomorrow afternoon, cause a stampede. I shall make sure both Simba and Mufasa are present, await my signal" he states. She nods her head and left to go tell her brothers the plan. He then returns to pride rock and lays by Uru looking out at the pride lands. Smiling, he'd soon be king.


Picture above of Mufasa. Videos above of Who You Really Are and Lions Over All.

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