Amnati helps Hank and Charles prepare to open the Mansion up as a school and even becomes a teacher she becomes a favorite amougst the students with quite a few of them flirting with her which she ignores with ease she also becomes closer to Hank when the Vietnam War begun a lot of the students and staff were drafted and the school became empty and if it wasn't for Amnati the building and grounds of said school probably would have been forgotten for with nothing to do Charles pretty much sunk into himself after all unlike his students and staff he was not drafted.... for obvious reasons after all he's now "living" in a wheelchair.... and it may have made him feel like he was not wanted/needed which is something he seems to need to "survive" and if it wasn't for Amnati who made sure he left the mansion every now and again he probably would be in worse shape than he already is things changed drastically when Hank creates a serum that reverts himself back into his "human" form for he also gives it to Charles in hopes that it would cure his inability to walk which it does but it also takes away his ability to read minds and so many other things which makes what Amnati tries to do a waste of time for after he started taking the serum Charles becomes even worse he even stops going with her to places that were outside of the mansion feeling like she is no longer wanted at "home" Amnati leaves and for the first time in a long time Charles actually does something "right" for he tries to get her to stay "I'm sorry Charles but I will no longer allow my best friend to treat me worse than the ground you walk on but I don't blame you I blame the serum!.... you may not realize it but you've become accustom to your abilities and even relied on them for a lot of things and now that you don't have them you have lost a very important part of yourself a part you only think you don't want but.... how can you help people if you can't even help yourself!?! there was nothing about you that needed fixing and yet you did THIS to yourself! you were as perfect as a human with our capabilities could be and you....! I'm not sure how you can know yourself for I don't even know who you are!"  she tells him she kisses his cheek then says softly "I love you Charles but I can no longer stand watching you degrade yourself!"  then she walks away and out of the door not to be seen for quite some time "I believe that was meant for both of us"  Charles tells Hank who walked into the foyer as Amnati kissed his (Charles) cheek "which part!?"  a heartbroken looking Hank asks "all of it! changing, degrading...."  Charles says he stops as the memory of the kiss flashes through his mind and even though it wasn't because of his abilities he smiles at the memory then walks away leaving a confused looking Hank standing there watching him with sad eyes Hank rushes outside and finds Amnati standing there as though she was waiting for him and though it wasn't what he wanted to say he asks "why does he call you "hope"!?!"  she smiles then replies "because it's what my name means "my hope, my wish".... and instead of being Jewish it's Arabic in origin"  he smiles then watches as her dragon-like semi-translucent metallic/prism wings spread out and she flies away "fascinating!"  he whispers "isn't she!?!"  he hears Charles ask from behind him and he turns to face his sad looking friend.... when Logan aka James "Jimmy" Howlett "wakes up" inside his past self he just about sighs in relief when he finds himself sitting next to Amnati who says with a smile "I like this date better!"  he chuckles softly and looks around them at the kitchen they were sitting in she looks at him and asks with a soft curious tone "Logan!?!"  he chuckles then starts to explain who and what he is and why he was there "well I guess you want to speak with Charles then!"  she says once he finishes he nods with a smile "I should warn you about a few things before we go...."  she says then she explains to him about the serum and what it did to Charles and Hank aka Beast and what sort of recluse Charles had become "that explains why he told me I need to be patient with him"  he replies she chuckles then says "good luck! even I ran out of patience with him!"  he chuckles "Kitty's wrong about one thing though"  she says he looks at her "I'll remember too after all I remember everything! and if what you just said is any indication you tend to tell me everything so....!"  she says he laughs and hugs her to his side and she smiles then asks "so.... drive or fly!?"  he looks at her then growls which makes her laugh once her laughter dies down she says "I have a motorcycle you can borrow if you like.... technically you're supposed to be guarding some mobsters daughter in New York City at this time but decided to do the "smart thing" and spend time with me instead of sleep with her!"  he chuckles as she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a single key on a keyring he takes it then kisses her temple before standing up off his stool and walking towards then out the door and over to the lone motorcycle, climbs on, starts it then drives to the Xavier Mansion and when he gets there he sees Amnati leaning up against the gate "cheater!"  he says with a half chuckle in his tone "I figured you might need so help after all I'm easy cause I know you in this timeline as well as your timeline.... I think! and well they don't so even though I don't want to I can show them what they need to see instead of you having to deal with what you're about to deal with the only issue is it'll be better if I'm at your side not far away"  she replies he nods with a smile as the gate opens and he drives towards the front door which also opens as soon as he reaches it and this time Amnati appears at his side as a "nerd" with glasses stares at them with a surprised expression on his face "Charles get your scrawny ass down here or I'll open your mind from here!"  Amnati shouts they hear the pitter patter of rushing feet and Logan stares at a long haired Charles Xavier who now stands in the middle of the two way staircase in his pajamas staring at her with a surprised expression on his face "Charles meet Uncle Jimmy.... though his mindset at the at the moment prefers to be called Logan or Wolverine"  she says she looks at Logan who nods and she places the tips of her fingers on his temple then looks at Charles who flinches as flashes of Logan's last memory.... where an older Charles tells him what he must do.... flows through his head then a war with machines who absorb then use mutant powers against mutants "stop! please stop!"  Charles begs and the visions disappear Amnati looks at Logan then says "the rest is up to you"  then she disappears and both Charles and Hank stare at the spot she just left with sad eyes "gee thanks!"  Logan mutters Charles lets out a short chuckle then asks "why are you here!?!"  Logan replies "we have to stop Raven I need your help we need your help"  Charles says "and you think that just because she trusts you and showed me things that I know came from your mind that I will help you!?!"  Logan replies "I believe she would want you to help and secretly deep down inside you want to help as well for that is the type of man you are and Hope and I both know that it seems that you are the one who has forgotten"  Charles' sorrow grows a few minutes later Amnati shows up with Erik at her side then she says "ok NOW it's all up to you!"  then she disappears again Logan chuckles shaking his head at the area she just left Erik looks at him oddly ".."Uncle Jimmy".."  Logan says Erik's eyes widen then he chuckles then asks "so what!?! is this how I'm paying you back for helping her bury my parents!?!"  Logan replies "no this is how you help me save our people!"  Erik's eyes widen then he listens to Logan explain why he was placed in his younger self from the future by order of Erik and Charles' elder self "does she....!?!"  Erik asks softly "I don't know I haven't seen her in days!"  Logan replies Erik nods with sad eyes even Hank who was listening becomes sad....

Finding Hope AgainWhere stories live. Discover now