Chapter 19

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Mud, Snow and Blood

Steam off the breath of forty horses filled the frozen morning air. Rattling armor echoed through the trees and carriage wheels creaked and bumped against the uneven ground. Fresh snow thinly blanketed the road ahead of them. The force of thirty men, including five, elite imperial knights tactically surrounded a caravan of three ornate, royal carriages. They rode under a banner of deep blue and white.

One-hundred meters to the rear of the apparent military march rides two hooded vagabonds, dirty from the long road.

"Tell me what you see, Leomir." said the heavily cloaked man. "Tell me about their defenses. How are they organized?"

Leomir peered ahead at the slow-moving precession through his hood, thinking carefully about the question. He was cold and uncomfortable and the old, smelly cloak he wore to disguise his identity didn't keep him very warm. He kept his hands on his horses' neck to keep them from freezing.

"The carriage carrying my aunt is identical to the two supply carriages to disguise the one which carries royalty. The f-four knights are to the rear of them so they can see them all. A cavalry s-scout rides ahead of the force and reports back every few minutes. The cavalry rides two by two. A third of the force rides at the front, a third in the rear and the rest ride the perimeter of the carriages. The three coachmen are too broad shouldered to not be soldiers. Probably Royal Guard." shivered the boy. "But Master Fendrel, my aunt did not arrive with such protection. The force is meant for me, is it not? Why am I riding all the way back here, with n-nothing but a horse blanket for protection?"

"Invisibility is better armor than Lysillen steel, Prince." said Fendrel.

"You just love to see me s-suffer." said the prince, defiantly.

"You are correct about that, young Prince." snapped Fendrel, sensing the boy's insolence. "You may hate me now, but I am doing you a service, preparing you for the rigors of life. The opulence of court, a full belly, even the simple luxury of a roof, and a warm hearth; These are an anomaly." He said adjusting his cloak. "Outside of those palace walls life is harsh, Prince. Death and cold are the natural order of things. You would do well to remember. Our way of life teeters on the edge of a sword."

There was an awkward silence for a moment. Leomir felt anger well up in his gut, but he breathed deeply and pushed the feeling aside. It felt good. "I don't hate you." he said at last. "Your lessons are tough, but everyone tells me it will make me a better King. I try not to question you. It's just that it's all so much different from what I imagined it to be. Being a knight that is."

"You imagined it would be fun. You thought it would be like the games you play. It is not." The old knight paused to let it sink in. "Leomir there is also one more important thing for you to remember. You won't be a knight; you will be King.

"Do all of my caregivers convene on matters of their lectures to me?" thought Leomir? He decided to leave such and insolent question to himself.

"All we have and all we know was a gift from those who came before us." continued Fendrel. "Such a gift did not come easily, and it must be nurtured and honored by remembering who they were and how they struggled. When we struggle, we remember. We live in a time of great peace. When there is no struggle, we must prepare for it. We must harden our bodies and steel our minds. The struggle puts the rest of our life in perspective. It makes you more empathetic, and appreciative. I take pleasure in small moments of your discomfort because it prepares you for the larger trials you are sure to face in your life. You will see."

"I'm not sure I understand." admitted Leomir.

"You will, my Prince. You will."

"I say, I am pretty lucky to have happened into a carriage with a real-life sorceress and to witness real life magic." said the handmaid, making idle chit-chat. "I shall wager this is the most comfortable ride I've ever had on the long road. I would wager even Duchess Angoretta is freezing her tits off right now. Don't you get tired holding that spell for so long? To heat the entire coach must take a lot out of you, m'Lady."

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