Chapter 12

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The Rabbit and the Dryke

"You seem to have an excellent group of students this season, Master Kel." said Lora Foreaux as she delicately sipped her tea. "They appear to be strong. Neera why don't you fetch some water for the boys. They seem thirsty."

"Right away, Lady Foreaux." The adolescent girl curtseyed and ran off towards the well.

"They did not begin this way." replied the sword master. "Strong that is. They must be built."

"Indeed." agreed the sorceress, sipping her tea. They sat quietly for a moment absorbing the morning sun. "Your absence was noticed at the meeting of realms." said Lora, breaking the silence. "The King Inquired after you. It is not wise to disobey an emperor."

"I have told him many times, my service to the empire does not extend to politics. I make knights. If the King would like my council, I will meet with him privately." said Kel, running his thumb around the rim of the bowl of his pipe. "Ive already far exceeded my mandate in many ways."

"He seems troubled." said Lora. "I can't put my finger on it, but he seems distant. Something worries him."

"This is a difficult time for him. The skirmishes on the eastern border have spiked, so I hear, and he is still negotiating with Gillium about border disputes. He is still a relatively young King and spreading liberty to the realms is no easy task. His father would be proud of how he is handling it. On top of that, he and the queen are trying to conceive, are they not? The man is tired." said Kel. Lora gave him a sideways glance. That was a separate subject in her mind apparently.

"It's not that. It's his family." she whispered. "Every time Reynald and the Duchess come to court, it seems to cloud the Kings mind." said Lora. "I always sense a darkness when he is here."

"Duke Reynald, you say?" repeated Kel, puffing on his pipe. As always, the smoke left his lips and escaped from the edges of his mask. "Lane! Plant your back foot and pivot." he shouted, startling Lora. The two sat quietly in the cool morning air for a moment. They didn't speak, just watched the boys train over the sound of clanging wood.

"How is Neera advancing?" asked Kel.

Lora shifted her posture. "She passed her aptitude with flying colors. She is quite skilled; More than I at her age. We still know little about her lineage, not that we need to. She is better off here, with us. She would have been nothing in that village. Magic is an equalizer as you know. It cannot be bred or faked. I think it is what I love most about it. Nobles or dregs can be born with the gift." Lora trailed off and watched her young apprentice carry a pail of water across the courtyard and sighed. "And the boy?" she said.

Kel focused on Riquier as the boy sparred with another lad. The old wizard was lost in thought.

"Kel?" interrupted Lora.

"Hm? Forgive me. The boy is well. He will be ready." said Kel. "Lady Lora," said Kel. He straightened his posture and cleared his throat.

Lora knew before he began Kel was about to say something interesting. He had a way of changing his tone and tenor when he wanted to be heard. He also hated titles, so when Kel used yours, it was akin to your mother addressing you with your first and surname.

"...I wanted to have tea with you so I could ask of you a strange request." he continued. "I would like the boy to accompany Neera to Yara Ferix when she takes up her trials."

"Master Kel," she replied in shock. "Yara Ferix is no place for a novice. We are talking about a place which is outside the realm of normal. The experience can drive a person mad." she shifted uncomfortably in her chair. "Aren't we putting the lad through enough?

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