Chapter 6 - Jayla?

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"I guess..there was someone in the bathroom..recording." Jayla said.


Bitches will stab you in yo' back but smile in yo' face .

Niggas will act how they act but they want yo' place ~ Rod Wave (Dark clouds)

Kayiara's Pov :

I started to shake a bit. Knowing half the school knowing what we did..ticked me df off. I went silent asfc after. It was like I had "stage fright" or sum shit like that. Where I was just frozen and not knowing what to do ..

Who would record me like this?? The whole conversation. I wanted to know who, but at the same time. I just wanted to go home and stay in my room untill school is all over with. Untill people move on from this. I just wanted to move away. From everything. From life.

Jayla looked at me.

"Hey you okay?" She asked me.


"I'm going home early." I said with my shaky voice as I left, walking away, omw out the building. All eyes were on me as I walked in terror.

Jayla hid a smirk on her face .

My own friend group looked so disgusted. Whispering while they look at me.

I continued to walk .

A group of girls looked down at their phones seeing the post and looked at me and laughed right in my face.

I continued to walk .....

I felt tears breaking out of my eyes. I can't believe this is happening.

Azaiira's Pov :

I continued to lean against the walls as I heard whispers and my name around me from different people. I looked up to see Kayiara had stormed out the school, then I looked towards where the whispering came from. Almost the whole school was in the hallways.

More people had came and joined into the circle of ppl, tryna see what they were listening to. I heard a voice that sound like Kayiara from their phones.

My boyfriend had walked up to me but I just smiled. I couldn't read his face though, it seemed like he was mad or sumn.

"Are you serious , Azaiira ??"
He said with a pissed off voice.

"Yo faggot ass cheated on me with a hoe you don't even like frll??"
He told me. My eyes widen.

"Nigga what?"

"Don't nigga what me bitch. On my momma u dirty asfc." He told me and just like that he had broke up with me. Ian even had time to explain or say what I was finna say. It was THAT quick.

Now I know why every bitch lookin at me with dey ugly ass face.

But like I said, I still don't give a single ass fuck.

I do know one thing though, that I'm slightly pissed at Kayiara for telling smbdy. Idgaf who it is. I already knew this shit was finna happen.

Kayiaras Pov :

I was waiting outside for my mom to text back.

Me : momm

Me : Mommmy! Mommy!!

Mommy dukes🤞🏾☺️ : Yes, whats wrong?

Me : please mom please pick me up

Mommy dukes🤞🏾☺️ : what happend?

Me : please

Mommy dukes🤞🏾☺️ : coming as soon as I can

I put my phone back in my pocket. Mind you.. if I call her something other than mommy, that means sumn up and she knows that.

"Aye !"

I heard a voice, yelling from behind me. I turned to see it was Azaiira who was walking up to me.

Fuccck, not today. Not any day.

"You fuckin serious? You out hea tellin people now??"
She said, yellin df at me.

"I.., I only told a close friend."
I said quietly.

"A close friend, yo ass serious . Well yo close ass friend made a fuckin pos-"
I cut her off.

"There was someone in the bathroom with us recording, I didn't kno-!"

"Nigga who df cares. I don't care who recorded or shit, why would you tell somebody in the fucking first place !??? I told yo ass you was playing with da wrong one. You steady pushin my fuckin buttons bruh."

She yelled and I just continued to shake, I did NOT want to hear this right now.

"Well this wouldn't have happend if you started to flirt with me?? Do you remember who was all up on who?? You were !!"
I yelled.

"Yea u right. But this ACTUALLY wouldn't have happend if you weren't talking dam shit about me last year !"
She said.

"What does fucking last year got to do with anything?"

"If you weren't being a bitch n talked shit, then maybe. JUST MAYBE we would not be in this situation where we damn hate eachother." She said.

"First off, you distance yourself from me once you ran off with yo little BOYFRIEND ! And second , I told you .. I. DID. NOT. TALK. SHIT. ABOUT. YOU."
I said back to her.

"That's not what yo lil friend Jayla told me, yo ass was speaking shit behind my back. Calling me names n shit !"
She told me. My eyes widen.

"What..?" I said quietly as my voice cracked as tears ran down my face.

"Smhh, I can't believe you frl." She said.

A minute later my mom pulled up, I looked at her. She shooked her head at me and turned away. I got in my mom's car in the back, looking away from the rear mirror so she couldn't see my tears.

We drove off.


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