Ch. 11: Dancing Beneath the Charmed Stars

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Snape took my hand and led us to a secluded part of the dance floor.  The students around looked at us in shock, and I honestly didn't blame them.  Who knew that Snape would be dancing?
I was at a lack of understanding of what about me actually made him decide to, I genuinely doubted my own idea of tonight.  I'd imagined the dozens of ways he'd reject me; some crueler than others.  Perhaps he'd scoff and give me silent treatment; or perhaps he'd leave me with an insult for trying. 
Yet, he did no such thing.  His eyes almost displayed his eagerness for dancing in fact.  Deep down I thought that maybe he had wanted to be apart of something like this, to be in the moment instead of watching from afar.  That's when he said something, barely a whisper, that caught me off guard.

"My mother taught me to dance, you know."

I smiled ever so slightly at this,"She must have been an excellent dancer then."

He chuckled under his breath,"One can only imagine.  She was eager to teach me, wanting me to make the most of my first Yule Ball after I'd told her of it.  I wanted to dance gracefully as she did, I wanted to be gentle like her."

"And are you not gentle?"

His smile turned into a small frown,"Some would argue that being soft is to be weak."

"Perhaps the world turns the image of gentle people into that of vulnerable people.  And people are scared of vulnerability."

I used to be.

My words seemed to have some effect on him, he seemed slight taken aback.  The man in front of me didn't respond, he only continued dancing. He almost seemed a bit vulnerable, his eyes seemed lost when he spoke of his mother. I had a feeling that like me, his mother was long gone.

I didn't know when we finished dancing, the sense of time left me, but I do know that he and I danced for a long time.  He was deliberate and graceful while dancing; he was nothing less than impeccable. His mother would've been proud of him.
I was both impressed, and envious.  No matter how many years I attempted to teach myself to dance, I was far too clumsy.  Yet he seemed rather forgiving for my clumsiness when I stepped on his shoes or got out of rhythm a few times.
We talked here and there, he did indeed tease me for my clumsiness, yet our time together was mostly the two of us surrounded by the sound of the music.
Eventually, students began to clear from the dance floor, probably to do more scandalous things in the crevices of corridors or behind the fountains in the gardens.  Or perhaps to go back to their dorm rooms if their night didn't quite go as planned.
There was certainly a small commotion in the beginning, but I couldn't help myself from eavesdropping, some guy had invited two girls to the ball.  And boy did they let him know a thing or two.  Snape gave me an amused look at this, he seemed to be living for the student drama.  We both laughed at this.
However, now it was awfully late, while the ball continued, there was no longer music.  More Students went off to do other things among the school.  Apparently most only stayed for the dancing.
Snape gently released my waist and hand after our hour of dancing had ended.

"I must go Miss Larue, I have papers to grade and a classroom to clean up before the holidays.  But should you have spare not hesitate to seek me out."

Snape had said this as he abruptly left toward the end of the ball, once again feigning his cold exterior, I tried not to think much of it.


I laid in my bed, swinging my legs with contentment.
I was still in my ball gown, feeling far too beautiful to take it off.  That and I simply couldn't fathom not reciting every detail of the evening in my mind.

Why did he seem so...soft?

In my mind, I'd made Snape to be harsh, and only that.  We hadn't really even seen each other to work on the potion research assignment from Dumbledore.  One of us would do the research at night and the other would continue in the morning.  It seemed like a never ending cycle of wordless and dreaded work.  Snape never bothered talking to me.
But after tonight, I really didn't know what to make of him.  Hell, I didn't even know what my intentions were with this whole 'Cinderella' thing to begin with.
Nevertheless, at least now I knew he actually had a heart.....and maybe even a personality...if I'm being generous.
With a sigh, I finally escaped my daydream and excitedly pranced to my desk to write a letter to my dearest friend.   I had to tell her of the new man that I never knew lied within Snape.
It took a while to finish the letter, I had a lot to include, and I wanted to describe it perfectly.  It almost didn't feel real. It's the first time I've felt alive in a long time.
I finally sealed the letter and tied it to my owl, Nutmeg's, leg neatly.  I'd have to give her extra treats so maybe she'd forgive me for sending her out so late. Perhaps I'd make a stop in Hogsmeade over the holidays and buy her an early Christmas present. Even though she was always awake at night, she was only used to taking letters during the day.
I accepted the fact that I probably wouldn't be sleeping, which was acceptable with me because it's the weekend. I had far to much to reminisce over, far too many thoughts, and the quietness of my chambers only served to remind me how loud my thoughts were....

I don't think I'll ever tell him it was me...

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