Chapter 10: Movie night

Start from the beginning

-Tolkien is organizing a movie night tonight at his place. There'll be no alcohol this time. Wanna come?
-Why not. Yeah, sounds good.
-You guys are going to the movie night too?
-Hi fellas.

Kenny approached us, accompanied by Butters.

-He said we were going to watch a horror movie, he's still thinking which one.
-A-A horror movie?

Tweek's expression broke as he said the words in a small voice.

-Don't tell me you're scared?
-I've never watched one, so it puts a bit of pressure on me.
-Don't worry, I'll protect you!

I rolled my eyes as he gave Tweek a big, proud smile. I could hear a chuckle coming from Tweek's mouth before the sound of the bell rang throughout the school, signifying the start of afternoon classes. I headed for the classroom accompanied by Tweek, Kenny and Butters. As soon as we entered the classroom, we came face to face with Mr Mackey telling us to hurry up and sit down.

-Well, dear students. At the end of the first trimester, we noticed that some students were struggling in certain subjects, mmmkay. These difficulties are not necessarily serious, but we are keen to discuss them with the student concerned. So I'd like to call a few students in particular into my office to talk about it. Eric, Kenny, Bebe, Craig, Clyde,...

I knew I had bad grades and that sooner or later someone was going to bother me about it, it wasn't a surprise. My parents almost never bother me about my grades. The only person who tried to help me improve was Tweek, but his attempts of revision were insufficient and ineffective.

-...come with me, mmmkay.

I got up from my chair under Tweek's worried gaze. Along with the other students, I followed Mr. Mackey to his office.

-Eric comes with me, the others wait here.

I sat down in the chair next to Clyde and waited a good ten minutes before Eric left the room in a huff.

-Eric, come back, we haven't finished-
-Mmmkay. Next one, Kenny.

I decided to take a look at Clyde and wasn't surprised to see him flirting with Bebe. He was leaning back in his chair, bringing his face close to her. Their conversation about shoes was so fluid. I hoped I'd be as comfortable flirting with Tweek as Clyde was with Bebe.

What would happen after my confession? Would he and I form a couple that everyone could take as an example? Could I cuddle him? Could I finally kiss him? I wanted to do all those things.  I dreamed about it.

But on the other hand, what if he didn't accept my confession, my feelings? Our relationship would be so awkard that it would be hard to stay friends. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

-Next one, Craig.

I entered the room and sat down on the chair in front of the desk.

-Well Craig. Your case is a bit special because I'm afraid you won't succeed in almost any subject, mmmkay. Your grades are not catastrophic, but they're still partly below average. I know you can catch up and make an effort, but I'm afraid you lack the motivation. I invite you to think about taking private lessons outside school to improve your grades, because I'm afraid that if they stay like this, you'll have no choice but to leave the school, mmmkay.

I looked down, not daring to look Mr Mackey in the eye. It wasn't the first time I'd been told that, I knew. I also knew that I didn't want to leave Tweek and my friends.

-Is that clear?
-Yeah Mr Mackey. I'll try to make serious effort this time.
-I hope. Is there anything or anyone that prevents you from concentrating when you're working?

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