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A/N: This chapter was rushed and was meant to be published a week ago. I won't be updating as often due to my new schedule. I hope you enjoy my new chapter! 

You stood up and grabbed Lydia by her arm and shushed her. She looked at you with one brow raised in response to your sudden distress. You kept one finger in front of your mouth making sure Lydia understood that the two of you couldn't make a single sound. You slowly dragged her to an adjacent room.

Lydia spoke in a whisper, "What was that about?" She seemed annoyed, probably cause she wanted pizza, but that's just Lydia. "That's the guy I was talking about." Lydia's expression dropped, "and how do you know that? My curtains and door were closed! How could you-" You covered her mouth, "Shh! Don't be so loud, he'll hear you." 

Lydia protested, "how could 'he' hear me? We're in another room." You shushed her again, "He has good hearing." You heard another knock on the door, this time it was louder, more aggressive. Lydia stood up, "Stop freaking out Egghead! Just let me go get the pizza!" You tugged on her arm trying to get her to shut her trap and stay with you.

"Come on Y/N!" Lydia started to drag you while you tried to fight with her as quietly as possible. Lydia was strong though, not like Freddy but she was in fight clubs, wrestling, and other activities like that, she could've been a football player. She dragged you back to the living room. It was dark again.

Lydia turned the lights back on and looked out the window, "Look! We waited too long and the pizza guy left!" You pushed Lydia slightly to see out the window. There was no blue light, no bear, no person. There was no one there. It wasn't in your head, that was a fact. Lydia heard the knock too. 

"I guess you were right..." You were being dishonest. You knew what that blue light had to come from! What pizza guy would have a blue light?! But how would Freddy have found you? You were down the driveway before he could come out of the house! Could he track you using your phone or something? 

You were lost in thought than heard a knock on Lydia's backdoor, "Pizza guy!" An unfamiliar voice called from the other side. His voice was loud, but monotone. Something about it put you off... Lydia started walking to the door to get the pizza but you didn't follow, something was off. It'd be helpful if there was a window by Lydia's backdoor. 

Lydia turned and noticed you hadn't moved, "coming? Or do you still think that guy is out there?" You kept standing there, staring at her with a scowl. Her eyes rolled jokingly at you before she started walking to the door slowly, almost like she was nervous. "Pizza is here- ere!" The voice was the same, almost, something was wrong with it. As if it was prerecorded audio that had malfunctioned...

Lydia was confused but walked up to the door and opened it just enough for the blue light to flood the crack. Freddy swung the door open forcefully in an attempt to barge in but Lydia slammed the door back into him. The brass door knob hitting his irony exterior made a loud crashing sound.

Lydia ran back from the door and grabbed you before pulling you into her bedroom. She turned the lock, "I'm assuming that WAS the guy?!" Her voice was hushed, finally. You nodded, hearing the sound of heavy footstep enter Lydia's house. "Cupcake?" You were shocked at how calm he sounded.

Freddy's POV:

I overheard Y/N and her friend, "Liddy", talking about me, I was hurt to say the least, not because of what Y/N had said, but the fact that all of it was true... Y/N was right. She was right about everything! If I wanted any chance of getting her trust back, I'd have to make sure I play my cards right.

Y/N's POV:

I heard the door knob twist gently, "Y/N? Are you in there?" The door knob turned again, being stopped by the lock, "Y/N, I just want to talk, please?" You didn't feel worried anymore... Was that really Freddy? It sounded like him, the crack under the door was highlighted in a light blue tint, but he spoke so calmly...

You walked up to the door but Lydia stood in front of you, "are you sure about this, Y/N? Remember what he did!" You thought about all the wrong things he's done but you felt like you needed to talk to him... "I remember." You moved Lydia to the side and unlocked the door. Freddy wasted no time before he hugged you tightly.

You were startled by his sudden need for physical affection so you stiffened up like a wooden plank. He started to go a rant about how he found where you were, how he'd heard everything and how sorry he was. If you didn't know any better you would've thought this was a set up, but it wasn't.

Lydia stood away from the too of you, she stared with a look of pure confusion. "So, what's going on?" She asked, her arms crossed over her chest. You wanted to explain but how could you? You didn't understand much either. She kept her gaze on Freddy, you knew by the look she was giving him that she smelled bullshit, but all you smelled was the slight scent of coffee and vinegar.

That scent. That damn scent! It's like it followed you everywhere! But it wasn't as strong as usual. You could smell it coming from Freddy but it's like it was only lingering... You took in a deep breath, your lungs and nostrils filled with the disgusting odor. You coughed, trying to air out your lungs.

Lydia kept staring, "are you two done?" You pushed Freddy off, only just now realizing he was still clinging to you. He took a step back to give you a bit of space but continued to smile. Lydia walked up to the two of you and pushed you farther away from Freddy, making sure to stand between the two of you, Lydia had it out for him after everything and you knew it.

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