A Beginning Cycle (ending one)

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You thought about it. The wooden door was shut, the brass knob was smudged. The irritation caused you to wipe it with your sleeve without thinking. It was wet? You turned your arm to see a thick, red liquid stain on your shirt... "Y/N?" Freddy's voice started you, you put your arm behind your back, "Huh?" Freddy stared at you, all his attention was on you.

"Do you trust me?" You were turning pale just imagining what was behind the door. "What did you want to show me?" Your voice turned to a sour manor. "Do you trust me?!" Freddy snapped. You could see him gridding his teeth in an attempt to hold himself back from something. You were tired of waiting. You turned to the door and threw it open.

You moved back and watched Alex's corpse topple over and hit the floor with a hard thud. This is what he wanted you to see. You weren't making it up... You started to back away. "Y/N, wait!" Freddy started to chase you, attempting to grab you. You took another step back and felt yourself drop. You watched as Freddy tried desperately to catch you.

        Freddy's POV:

I watched Y/N back away, I knew telling her the truth was a bad idea... I noticed her getting closer to the stairs, "Y/N, wait!" I tried to grab her and pull her away from the stairs but when I saw her leg give out, I knew I was too late. Y/N fell head first on the stairs with a loud thud and an even louder cracking sound. I ran down to find her laying at the bottom, blood pouring from her mouth.

She wasn't moving. She wasn't breathing. This was all my fault... What do I do with her now? I thought about simply hiding her body so she'd end up being just another missing child but than I thought of how distraught that would leave her parents. I hadn't liked them, but for Y/N's sake, it'd be best if they found her...

My metal feet pounded against the floor as I walked away, leaving Y/N in a pool of her own blood. This was for the best... I walked through alley ways, backyards, empty streets... I pushed through the back gates and sat down in the same place Y/N had found me. Andy's scrap yard would be my home.

Your dad walked to the door of the home he'd spent years saving up for. He loved it, his lawn was well kept, his house was clean and modern and... all the lights were on? Y/N must've forgotten to turn them off. He fished through his pocket and pulled out his large set of keys before unlocking the door.  He walked forward till he almost slipped. He looked down to see what had almost caused his accident. 

He called your mom, screaming through tears. She ran to her boss while your dad called an ambulance. Soon people filled the house you'd lived in all your life. Your parents waited outside, hoping for the best. Men and women crowded around you all dressed in uniforms. One doctor put his hand on your wrist, than your upper chest. 

His name tag read Dr. Frazier; he was know as one of the most hard working, respected, and respectful doctors in the whole facility. He also had a kind heart. Sadly, he didn't have the heart to tell Y/N's parents that their daughter had No Pulse.

No Pulse (A CTW Funtime Freddy x Fem Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now