A Few Loose Screws

272 15 7

TW: Language

You felt the warm sun suddenly flood your bedroom once Freddy opened your curtain. "Rise and shine cupcake!" He sung out, you sat up while you stretched and yawned. Your feet landed on the carpet and you walked out of your bedroom. A blunt pain suddenly stopped you, "Ow shit!" You sat back on the floor against the wall examining your foot. The red, warm liquid trickled down, starting from your big toe. You bit your lip so you wouldn't scream, taking in large breaths of air through your teeth.

Looking back to the floor, you noticed the wooden boards that stuck up at an angle, one now having been painted red with your special shade. You remembered what you'd wanted to do yesterday night. You limped to the bathroom first however, so your parents wouldn't have a new paint job. You bandaged your toe, took some ibuprofen, and walked to the garage. You opened your tool box to find that all your wrenches and screws were perfectly organized, just the way you'd left them!

You took your crowbar as your weapon of choice and walked back upstairs, almost stubbing your toe again. You got down on your hands and knees and used the crowbar to pry up the nails and part of the floor. You noticed as you pulled, the scent of coffee became more and more prominent, but that wasn't the only thing you smelled. The floor was taken apart and you'd found the answer to both the smell and where Alex had gone...

His skin was different shades, ranging from blue to gray... He looked like a skeleton with whatever was left of his skin keeping him from being nothing more then a completely bone structure. His body had been mutilated, his eyes were missing, his arms and legs twisted in the wrong directions, his mouth left hanging open... You backed away slowly... The breaths you took became shallow, as if the air you took wasn't able to be swallowed.

Your heart thumped in your chest, it felt like a hammer beating through a frail, yet thick sheet of glass... What were you meant to do? Call the police? What would they think?! A boy goes missing and he's last scene with you, now that boy is dead by your room! What will your parents think... All choices you made would have a consequence... But you only had one option! Or... did you? 

Slowly, you hammered the floor boards back down till they matched the rest, as if it was the same... Just another face in the crowd, nothing to hide, no reason to pay any attention to it... You stood up with your tool in hand... The crowbar you used to lift the floors and show you the truth was now the tool that would hide it from everyone else... Just until you knew what to do...

"Hey Y/N!" Your glass chest nearly broke with the sudden sound of Fred's call, "Hey!" You shouted back, your voice quivering... "I didn't mean to startle you cupcake!" He began saying, you noticed when he suddenly hid something behind his back, was that your... "I- is that my hammer Fred?" He went quiet, "Fred!" He jolted, as if he'd been daydreaming.

He sighed, "Yes cupcake" He showed you the hammer, you took it and examined it, "Why'd you have my hammer Fred?" His expression stayed sweet, "Well Y/N, I noticed last night that one of the floor boards was rising, I didn't want you to trip lambchop!" His explanation ended with a warm grin that quickly faded after he noticed your tool, "And what might you be doing with that?" Fred started to observe the surroundings thoroughly... He saw your bandaged foot, blood on your hands, the fixed floor board, your worried expression... "Did you lift the boards, Y/N?"

You thought for a short second, what would Fred think if he knew... "No! I stubbed my toe on it then patched it up!" It wasn't a lie... you'd only left out a key detail or two... "Well, alright Y/N... Now come downstairs! I'm making BLTs!" He smiled again. You smiled back at him and walked down, step by step. You sat down at the counter and watched Fred prepare the sandwiches, as perfectly as he always does. 

He placed a sandwich down in front of you before the aroma hit your nose... The smell of the bacon made your stomach turn... You looked at it and nearly gaged. It reminded you of Alex's mutilated corpse... You covered your mouth to keep from vomiting as you turned away, "What's wrong cupcake? You don't like it?" You couldn't get a single word out, you ran up the stairs and to the bathroom. 

The nausea was too much to bare, you vomited into the toilet bowl repeatedly. Every time the image flashed in your mind, you felt worse. Eventually the vomiting stopped, leaving you fatigued, shivering, and empty...  Fred was standing just outside the door, unsure of how to help you. He walked in and sat next to you, "Feeling better Y/N..?" 

Your breathing was arrhythmic, "I- I'm fine..." You said as you inhaled large quantities of oxygen, yet it wasn't enough. Freddy picked you up and carried you to your room. He placed you on your bed before laying your blankets and sheets on top of you. He walked away, leaving you staring at the ceiling. Your stomach throbbed in unison with your heartbeat. 

Fred entered the room once more and placed a warm cup in your hands, "Drink up, Y/N, it's tea! I hope you'll like it..." It seemed like he thought it was his fault for the outburst, you took a sip. "It's great Fred" you remarked as a small smile spread on your face. Fred looked happy again, he sat down next to you and took in a deep breath, "I hope you'll feel better soon cupcake, is there anything else I could get you?" You laid there, thinking... "What happened to Alex, Freddy?"

No Pulse (A CTW Funtime Freddy x Fem Reader story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt