The Night Before The Storm: The Apocalyspe

Start from the beginning

Soldier: Our S.M.-3 has shot down the target Alpha! Kirishima and the U.S. Shiloh have also shot down Bravo and Charlie as well.

He said as the captain walked over to the station to look at the scanners. Seeing that what his junior enlistee was true, he saw that there was still one more left.

Captain: There's still one more left.

Soldier: That's dedicated for the target Curtis Wilbur.

Captain: What?! What in the world is going on over there?

He questioned.

Within the warship known as 'Curtis Wilbur', it was a scene of horror unimaginable. All of the soldiers and even the captain were dead. Blood splattered across the walls and floor as the sounds of flesh being chewed and rip off echoed in the narrow halls of the ship. Aboard one of them had been exposed to the virus in which led to them turning and infecting the rest of the ship, ensuing chaos amongst them.

But because of this there was no-one alive to shoot down the designated nuclear missile heading above the clouds.

Back in space, the astronauts watched from their scanner as most of the nuclear missiles had been taken out.

Male Astronaut: One missile left.

He said.

Female Astronaut: Where is it headed?

She asked as she floated back over to the man and checked the scanners.

Female Astronaut: Wait a minute could it be the states?

Male Astronaut: Wait, hold on.

A look of shock and pure horror overtook his face as they both looked out to the world. A large explosion happening above the clouds that pushed them away. Signaling a fate that was worse to happen, to come.

Moments Before


Suddenly the sound of glass breaking caught their attention as they looked up to see two people fallout from the house. Crashing down to the ground, everyone looked to see Izuku standing on top of Dr. Hiroshima as they were both drenched by the rain.

Souichiro: What is going on?

He questioned as all of the men stood around Izuku as his hair overshadowed his eyes.

Izuku: Tell them.

He said as the clouds roared above them as Izuku glared at the doctor. With all eyes on him, Dr. Hiroshima could only laugh as blood leaked from his mouth and nose.

Dr. Hiroshima: Haha-HAHAHAHA!

He laughed.

Takashi: Midoriya?

Takagi: Izuku?

The two called out to him as Izuku glared at the mad doctor as he continued laughing. His fist clenched in anger as he slowly turned to look over his shoulders towards the group.

His expression one mix with anger and shock spoke volumes yet no sound could be heard from beside the wet droplets of rain pouring down from above.

Izuku: The virus. He did it. He created the virus.

He said.


{Takagi Estate}
Z-Day 6, 16:34 p.m.

In the basement below the house, Dr. Hiroshima Sato was tied to a steel chair with his hand tied and cuffed behind the chair with his legs roped around the legs.

We Take The Risk No-one else Takes (HOTDxIzuku crossover)Where stories live. Discover now