Her Demise

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As it turns out Trish and my dad had been having an affair for years before my mother even died. Sick twisted people. She loves to gamble as much as he does and Michael was always paying her debts or her brother would just write them off cause she is family. She is getting no sympathy this time. As we head down to the cells under the house all you can hear is screaming. It is not female screaming either. As we round the first corner all i can see is Michael standing in front of Hector and Hector is screaming like someone is killing him, as Michael steps to the side I can see why. He has a clamp on his cock and it is being stretched very far past what it should be able to do. His arms are stretched out and chained so there is no slack and honestly i don't know how his shoulders can handle it. Trish is in the cell next to where he is being tortured and she is curled in a ball and crying her eyes out. As we get closer i see my father. He has a smile on his face and doesn't look bothered by anything going on, that honestly scares me. 


As i sit in my cell awaiting my torture my daughter walks by and all i can do is smile. She found a true home and is completely safe now. I never gave her that so she owes me nothing. What i was willing to do to save my own ass is worth everything i am about to receive and she deserves better than me every day of her life. Hectors screaming is just a taste of what is coming for me and i know it.

As i make my way to Hector Michael steps out of the way so he can see that i am there and that it was all a trap to get to his nasty ass. The looks he gives me is of straight terror and somewhat pleading for he really doesn't want to die. To bad for him i am not in a forgiving mood, I look to Jasper and nod my head, he steps up to Hector and with one swift swipe grabs a knife and chops off his dick. The color drains from Hectors face and he starts screaming non stop. A few minutes later there is no movement from him and the blood on the floor at his feet is enough to make anyone sick. Michael gets up from where he was seated and instructs Jasper to take me out as it is my fathers turn next. I will know what happened later i don't need to see it now.


Not only did this asshole decide to make his daughter a target and not care what happened to her innocence but he's been fucking my wife for years and plotting against me. The torture i have in store for this fucker isn't even going to be enough to fill my revenge needs but it's a hell of a start. I pull him out of the cell and place him in the empty chair next to Hectors corpse. He doesn't flinch, he doesn't beg, he doesn't even make eyes contact or look at Hector he simply sits in the chair and stares at the floor. I ask him if he has anything to say before i get started and he looks me dead in the eye and utters one sentence. "Jake isn't yours Michael", it throws me off guard and i stumble back while looking at him. All the sudden there is a high pitched scream and thrashing coming from Trish. Apparently i wasn't supposed to know this.


He promised he would take it to the grave. It was a one night stand and i got pregnant, after that i couldn't leave Jonathan alone and he wanted me and the baby. He always wanted a son not a daughter and his wife wouldn't give him that due to his gambling debts. He never wanted the whiney little bitch but because of us having different spouses i couldn't let him have Jake like he wanted. 


As i take in what Jonathan has told me a few things start to make sense. One being that i think Jake knows and that is why he told Allie to go with her mom when she was little and helped her to escape to me, I think he knew she was his half sister and wanted her as safe as possible. I however don't think that Allie or Jasper knows and that is going to be hard. I start by strapping Jonathan to the chair he is in and again he doesn't fight me or anything on it just allows me to do it. Once i have him secure in the chair i ask him if he thinks revealing that news was meant to make me go easy on him. He gives a simple no and goes back to staring at the floor. Now i am slightly confused so i ask him, why would he tell me if he had nothing to gain. He looks me right in the eyes and blankly states, " I never wanted the whiney brat, just my son and she wouldn't let me have him or even see him so i figured the man that got to raise him should know the truth about he woman he married" with that he goes silent. I don't even have time to react when a gunshot rings out through the basement startling me and ending him. I look behind me and Jasper is standing there with a look of shock on his face while staring at Jonathan. As i look next to Jasper i see  a sight i never thought i would in my life, Allie is holding a 45 in her hand and staring straight at Jonathan. I can't believe this innocent little thing just blasted this piece of shit away. The look on her face is of pure anger and hate. Once i come to my senses i go and take the gun from her as she looks me in the eyes and says she had to. Jasper takes her back upstairs and all you can hear is screaming and crying from Trish as she just realized that Jonathan was dead and his daughter did it. 

As Jasper takes me out of the basement i hear Trish lose her shit and it is music to my ears. She deserves all of this pain and more for what she has done to my family and her own. I tell Jasper we need to tell Jake and he agrees. We go to find Jake and he has a huge smile on his face. I am not sure if he has lost his freaking mind or what but he comes straight at me and gives me the biggest hug of my life. As he sets me down he says something i never expected, "so did you really shoot him sis?" the shock on my face is enough to make him burst out in laughter. Apparently Jake knew and has been trying to keep me safe with his family my whole life. I have a brother and a loving family now. I honestly couldn't be happier right now and the fact i killed my father doesn't even hurt. He wasn't much of a dad any ways. 

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