Chapter 3: The MC Club House

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                  As we enter the house with jaspers arm wrapped tight around my waist i notice this place is packed with other bikers as well as woman hanging off of everyone of them. Jasper must of noticed the look on my face cause he instantly looked at everyone and the minute his glare hit his face they all turned away from me and shut up. Just as we start to walk up the stair case going to i don't know where I hear that familiar voice and can't help but smile," mouse what are you doing here?" Jaspers dad has called me mouse since the first time i met him when me and mom moved here. He gave mom a job and got us our house to make sure we were good to go. Like i said the man is amazing. Then i hear the next best sound ever, "Michael did you say mouse was........OH MY GOD MOUSE!" is all i hear before michaels wife trisha comes running down the stairs and grabs me almost knocking me over. Now everyone in the house is really staring at me and i am feeling uncomfortable. Michael must of noticed as he clears his throat and gives a look they all again go back to their own business. Trish grabs my arm and takes me with her while leaving michael and jasper on the stairs dumbfounded.

                 "As mom walks away with Allison in tow i look at dad and inform him we need to talk. We get to his office and i sit down ready to tell dad what is going on but he stops me before i can even get a word out."  Look jasper i know you have questions and we will answer them but first i need to tell you something. That girl and her mom have been under our protection for years now. Her father is a nasty man and will sell her and his wife to settle debts. years ago they almost paid the price for his bullshit but she was able to get out of there with her mom safely. I know who it is that is after her and they want her dead to pay for what her father has done. Her mom died a couple years ago and we put the house in her name so she had a place to live without worry. "As dad speaks i realize why my house was bought across the street and why dad always told me to keep an eye on my neighbors." Jasper she will need our protection while we deal with this situation. I don't want her left alone at all, when she goes to work you or one of the other guys i trust will always be with her. "At that remark i let out a growl without knowing it and dad just smiled at me." I knew you wouldn't want anyone else. I will make arrangements at the shop for you to not have to worry about work and i will make sure that we have guys stationed wherever you two go just incase you need help. "When he finished talking i know i am going to have to tell Allison everything and i don't know how well she will take it."

                 I am sitting in the kitchen with trish when Jasper and Michael walk in. They have serious looks on their faces and i know they want to talk to me. To my surprise though Jasper grabs my hand and tells me to come with him. The smiles his parents hold make me blush and follow without any argument. We head down a hallway and stop in front of a big oak door. He opens the door and we walk in and i stop with shock. The room his enormous and is very elegant and clean looking, then i remember he hasn't been living here so of course his room is going to be spotless. There is a huge king size bed in the middle of the room, a large oak looking desk at the far left of the room and a huge bathroom on the right. I just stop and look around at everything while jasper goes and sits down and starts removing his boots. That's when it hits me, ........Jasper where is your bike? I ask not knowing why i was curious but i remembered we got here in a car so what did he do with his bike? " Don't stress it babygirl, mark is bringing it and some of my clothes over here shortly." I just make an o sound and leave it at that. I walk over to the edge of the bed and sit down. Jasper sits next to me and takes my hand in his, here we go. Whatever he is going to tell me i know it is bad. 

            "I grab her hand and i proceed to tell her what my father told me. Her dad is the reason for all the bad happening in her life and until we find him and stop the guys trying to collect that she has to stay with me for her own safety. I expect her to freak out or be crying or something but when i finish talking and i turn to look at her she is smiling big and looks not worried in the least. I don't fully understand her reaction until i hear the lightest little "I know" I have ever heard in my life escape her lips. I shoot my look in her direction shocked and not knowing what to say. I know i look like a deer caught in the head lights the minute she giggles and covers her mouth."

Jasper it's okay my dad has been this way my whole life. Mom had to run with me just to keep me from becoming some kind of debt settlement. I guess after all these years he fucked up enough they came looking for me any way and actually found me. I am honestly surprised they didn't find me sooner. As i look at jasper i can tell he wants to say something but isn't sure if he should. I place my hand on his cheek ever so gently and reassure him that it is ok and he can tell me, "they didn't find you because of my parents. When you guys first moved here dad protected you guys and gave your mom that job she loved so much." thats when  i realize that moms boss she always talked about and his wife who was so amazing were Michael and Trish. I feel the stinging of tears coming to my eyes and i turn away from jasper to try and hide them. He places his fingers under my chin turning me so i am facing him, once i look at him he slowly wipes my tears away and kisses my forehead. All i can say is down libido cause this man has already been the center of my fantasy and now i have to stay with him for who knows how long. I have to keep control of myself while staying here. This family has helped me since before i can even remember so i in no way want to screw this up by drooling over their son, who probably has some biker chic already any ways.


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