The Mole

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                 "I knew my wife was cheating, but for this level of betrayel i will kill her along with everyone else who has caused this princess pain. She is the daughter i have never had and my sons love i will protect her with my life. As i am sitting in my office thinking about all of this Oscar enters the office and is fuming. He is cussing and throwing shit and talking about how he is going to kill his sister and anyone she has been helping. He is more angry than i am. Yes it is my wife but we have been having problems that our children are aware of, he had no clue the level of deceit his sister was capable of. He has been helping me to protect this little one since she was actually a little girl and now he finds out that his plans along with mine have had a mole so close to home that it is causing blinding rage. I don't know what she is getting out of causing so many people so much pain but when we get ahold of her and the rest of the people helping her i am sure as fuck going to find out."

             To find out Trish was in on it this whole time hurt. She welcomed me into their home and treated me as a daughter just to get close and allow others to hurt me. The pain the boys must all be feeling, I wonder if she even cared how much she was hurting them with her actions. I lay here in bed while the guys are in the adjoining office. I have guards all around me and i am ok with that. Any guard that was hired by Trish has been moved and all but 3 of them complied and were willing for my safety. The 3 who refused are in the prison awaiting questioning. Jonathan and Jasper are heading down to question them now. I am in my room with guards watching every little thing i do. As i sit on my bed reading i receive a text, as i open it all it says is one sentence. IM COMING FOR YOU. I panic and alert the guard at my door. Jake and Oscar follow the guard  into the room and read the text as well. It's a blocked number and i can only imagine who sent it. I feel the blood in my veins run cold as i realize it could be one of 3 people now. I hear the guards talking to Oscar and Jake and know that my very not private life is about to get even less private.

      " Security is being amped up and Allison is not to be left alone at all. I know she is going to hate it but her safety is my number one concern and i will not risk it at all. When we came back from questioning the prisoners we were informed of the text she received and immediately were on alert. I will not risk her for anything and wether she likes it or not she is not leaving my side. My house in town has been rented out to some friends who are keeping an eye on the neighborhood and i  have had work transferred to the house so  i can just stay here. Oscar is also  staying here with his most trusted men and is in a spare room on the same floor as ours Jonathan's and Jakes. My family is not taking any risks with her and my father has been protecting her since she was 3 she is most definitely family. As we finish discussing new security and measures there is a commotion  heard down stairs and screaming coming from a woman. We all know who the woman is and why she is screaming, it's my mother and security won't let her in the front door. As i lay my babygirl down in the bed with me because i am not going to deal with that in any way i see Oscar and my father walk past our room and the looks on their faces are not good in any way. I just smirk because honestly she has asked for what is coming and i  have more important things to worry about. Allison is sleeping on me now and i will do anything i can to keep her this calm and peaceful. I inform the guards that i am staying here with her and they can place themselves outside the room if they don't wish to watch her sleep.  The guards in our room just smile lightly and stand guard, they want to make sure she is ok and i don't blame them. With that thought i snuggle down close to her and drift off to sleep myself."


"Coming from the home that we did makes it so much worse that my sister would do this to an innocent girl. Yes i understand that power and money has always been her thing but why cheat and betray for a man who is willing to sacrifice his own daughter just to stay away from the consequences himself. She knows exactly what type of person she is married to and that he would do anything for her so none of this is making sense to me at all. As i head down the stairs with Michael right next to me we see Trish and she is fighting with the guards and trying to get her way into the house. She sees us both together and freezes. I don't know what is coming but i do know that my guard is up and Allison is safe so time to interrogate this bitch."


"This stupid cunt actually had the nerve to come back home after what she has done. If my guards hadn't been restraining her then i probably would of punched her in the fucking face. The amount of anger i am experiencing is like nothing i have ever felt. As i hit the bottom of the stairs the guards step back and allow her into the house. Oscar is just as angry as i am i can see it in his face. As she steps around the two men stopping her i get a clearer picture of her and honestly she looks like shit. She starts crying and begging for help and protection because now the person after Jonathan is after her too, when she says this i look at Oscar and he has a big smirk on his face. He then proceeds to grab her by the arm and gently walk her to the kitchen consoling her the whole way. I had already talked to Oscar about earlier and nothing was said to her about Allison it was simply brother sister talk. So she has not all the information of what we know which is a very good thing at this point."


"There is now way that they can know i am involved so i am going to continue to play this card and get sympathy. When i have worked my way back in and i know where they are keeping that little bitch, I will get her out of the way and then it will all be mine."

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