Chapter 21

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I blink away my sleepiness and strain my ears. I heard something. A voice. It was loud enough that it woke me up. If my heart weren't thundering in my chest, I'd be able to hear better.

"Who's there?" I call out again as I ease my gun out from between the mattress and box spring. I scoot back against the headboard and squint in the darkness. My gaze travels over to the window.

Someone opened the curtain.

I'm not going crazy.

Before going to bed, I remember shutting it. I felt exposed, as if Kai were watching from across the street. I'd felt the need to hide from him if he was.

Cold awareness trickles through me.

I'm naked.

I'm fucking naked.

Terror climbs its way up my throat along with a scream that I barely stifle. Someone undressed me. Those other times, even though I convinced myself otherwise, weren't me. A reality that I'd chosen to ignore because I couldn't mentally deal with it being truth. I'd been too terrified to admit it so I pushed it into the back of my mind.

I swallow as I reach for the lamp. My skin on my chest is tight. As though something sticky has dried on my flesh. A tear races down my cheek and drips off my jaw. I flip on the lamp and my thoughts are confirmed when I look down at my bare breasts.


I have someone's cum dried up on my breasts.

Kai is toying with me.

"K-Kai?" I whimper.

Discreetly, I reach for my phone and quickly dial Lisa. Please answer. Please fucking answer.




I'm frozen when I realize the sounds are coming from under my bed. It's as though I'm the star of a horror movie. Tearfully, I swipe my tears away when she doesn't answer. I drop my phone onto the bed and lean over the edge to look. The tip of a black dress shoe peeks out.



Fucking no!

I leap from the bed as far as I can and train the barrel of the gun at the shadow between the floor and the bedframe.

"Get out," I hiss. "Get out!"

A grunt—a familiar grunt—resounds from underneath the bed. Terror causes my entire body to shake. I'm naked and scared to fucking death but I don't dare take my gun from the monster under the bed.


A hand slides out from the shadows, strong and powerful. I nearly shoot it on the spot. Now my phone is trapped on the other side of this hand. Stupid! More tears streak out, but I hastily blink them away so I can focus. Slowly, a person slides its very naked body out from beneath my bed. The toned and tattooed body shimmers with what looks like spent orgasm. Disgust rises in my throat. The moment I actually see who's emerging from my bed, I am overcome with betrayal.

"How could you?" I hiss, the gun in my hand wobbling wildly. "You fucking sicko!"

"Jennie," she murmurs as she slowly slides the rest of the way out and stands up. Her impressive cock hangs limp and dripping between her thighs. Hours ago, this person was inside me. Owning and loving my body. I trusted her.

"It was you. All of this was you," I sob.

"Put the gun down, baby," she whispers.


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