Chapter 3

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I feel lighter.


Like I should celebrate.

And that's the only reason I agreed to meet Sean Slante over at an Irish pub for a round of beers. He'll be my new boss soon, and it'll take some getting used to that he actually acknowledges me, knows my name, and recognizes me as an asset.

Unlike her.

My thoughts flit back to earlier. When I'd boldly slapped my notice on Lisa Manoban's desk. How, for the first time in six years, she'd looked at me. A shiver courses through me at that thought. Her brown eyes were narrowed but curious. I felt as though she were peeling off my clothes with every second that passed. With just one look. It was unnerving and a tiny bit satisfying.

I hope she liked what she saw.

I hope she realized what an idiot she was for not noticing what a hard worker I was.

The moment that I had her attention, though, it was strange. Too intense. Too much. Maybe it truly was a blessing that she'd not paid me any mind all these years. I think if she looked at me that way from the very beginning, my job would have been a whole helluva lot harder.

I could have gotten lost in that gaze.

Swallowing down my irritation, I scan the bar for Sean. He's still not here yet. I nurse my beer and worry about my outfit. I didn't want to wear work attire but I also didn't want to appear too casual for my new boss. In the end, I'd settled on a black fitted dress and a pair of trendy matching ankle boots. My long legs are bare, unlike how I wear them to work, but I'm still maintaining some elegance. A part of me had leaned toward jeans but I'm still trying to make an impression, despite my accepting his offer.

"Letty!" a deep voice booms.

When I see Sean, I smile and slip out of the booth. He looks handsome in his dark jeans and powder blue, button-up shirt. The sleeves are rolled up and he's gone without a tie. I let out a sigh of relief that I'm neither overdressed nor underdressed compared to him.

"Hi," I greet and extend my arm.

The friendly man bypasses my handshake and pulls me in for a hug. He smells nice, but I can't tell if it's because he truly does or the fact I haven't been this close to a man in a long time. I give him a polite hug back. When he pulls away, he doesn't release me at first. His lips are pulled up into a half smile.

"I'm so glad you could meet up," he tells me, his eyes flickering with concern. "I know Mad Man. She can be quite the pill sometimes. Was she okay with your resignation? Did the crazy old bastard throw her desk around?"

Again with the Mad Man.

I try not to feel defensive over her who ignored me for six years. Sean is a nice guy. He's not trying to be catty. If anything, he seems excited to have me, which is a huge change from what I'm used to.

Pulling away, I slide from his grip and sit back down. Thankfully, he plops down across from me. His long legs brush against my own under the table.

"She seemed surprised," I admit before sipping my beer. "I don't think it really sunk in. Probably won't until I'm gone."

Sean smirks and waves over a waitress. Once she takes his order, he directs his eyes back over to mine. "You're just a number over there, Letty. At Slante, you're a person. Everyone at my company is recognized for their hard work. I know you'll fit right in."

A smile tugs at my lips. "Thank you for taking a chance on me. I know I'm not the most experienced person but I'm a quick learner."

He gives me a wink. "You'll do fine. And if you ever have any trouble, you come see me. We'll sort it out."

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