Chapter 5

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I wake with a start and jolt upright in bed. The sun blinds me, causing me to groan before shielding my eyes from the bright rays. I'm slightly disoriented and severely hung over. Shame trickles down my spine as I begin to recall fuzzy events from last night.

I'd all but dry humped Sean in a bar booth. Threw myself all over my future boss because I was high on memories of Kai and drunk off tequila. Because I haven't been with a man in years, I craved his touch. The liquid courage was the catalyst for a night full of regrets.

But as soon as I'd given in to my desires, they were snuffed out like a single candle in a windowless room. Sean deposited me into the cab and then...

That's where everything really went hazy.

I can't recall a single memory from that point on.

Looking down, I cringe at finding that I'm naked. Panic climbs up my throat but I force it down quickly. Kai wasn't here. It was all me. I'd undressed all by myself. A quick look around my room tells me that at least I didn't tear my clothes off before fucking some random stranger either. There are no clues indicating I kept the party going last night. True to myself, even in a blacked-out state, I'd put my clothes away in the hamper. I'd put my shoes in the closet. The need to prove this overwhelms me, so I climb out of bed on wobbly feet. I grab the nightstand for support when the room spins around me.

My pussy feels slightly raw. I must have touched myself in the middle of the night. One sniff of my fingertips tells me I'm correct on that assumption as well. At least I can always count on myself, even when I'm fucked up beyond memory.

A quick peek in the hamper and closet tells me I'm not crazy. I did come home and undress as usual. With a sigh of relief, I take the longest shower known to man. My calves are sore and the rest of my body is achy due to my hangover from hell.

My phone buzzes from my nightstand where I managed to remember to plug it in last night. Now freshly showered and dried off, with a towel wrapped around my wet hair, I walk naked over to the bedside. A chill ripples through me. The feeling of being watched by Kai has never really gone away. I blink it away to read my message.

Apparently I've missed several.

Sean: I had fun last night. Sorry if things got out of hand.

Sean: Let me make it up to you. Dinner tonight?

I'm already shaking my head in disagreement. I refuse to spend another moment alone with Sean. I'm already horrified over my behavior last night.

Sean: I wasn't exactly a gentleman so don't go blaming this on yourself.

I chew on my lip and head back into the bathroom. Pulling my towel off and dropping it to the floor, I look at my reflection. Despite my stupidity last night, I still look like the woman I'd eventually shaped myself to be. I'm no longer her. The woman wrapped up in Kai's twisted little world. I'm healthy and educated and successful.

Breathe, Jennie.

He no longer has his hand around your throat.

I spend the rest of the morning taking my time getting ready. Once my makeup is on and my hair is dried into sexy tresses, I spritz on my perfume and leave the bathroom on a hunt for some clothes.

I get that eerie feeling once again of being watched as I enter my bedroom. The bedroom door is cracked. I squint to make sure nobody is peeking through.

"Stop freaking out," I chide myself. "He's not here." I still shiver as I root around in my closet for clothes. I'll never be able to fully convince myself that Kai can't find me. That I'm safe. I've taken precautions, but he's a resourceful man.

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