Chapter 9

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Gwen Manoban.

I can't believe the nerve of that prick.

Parading her would-be mistress around in front of her wife.

The pain searing through me is similar to the first time Kai informed me he was going to share what I thought was sacred between us with another man. I was devastated. Furious even. But when I balked at his request, I'd learned who the strong one was in our relationship. Kai brought me to my knees that night with the back of his hand. And through my tears and not-so-silent begging, I'd pleaded for Kai to wake up and see what he was doing to me. To us. In one single night, he tore the hard-earned love from my heart and replaced it with something dark and sick.

"You're a quiet one," Sadie, the attractive blonde woman, murmurs as she grabs my now empty dinner plate. "Want to help me in the kitchen?"

I'm eager to escape the dining room where their child babbles about cartoons I know nothing about, and Lisa's wife stares at me as if I'm something rotten. She'd been all smiles until I couldn't bring myself to shake her hand. How does one shake the hand of another woman when moments before she was lusting after Lisa?

Bile creeps up my throat, and I wish I had more wine to wash it down with. Thankfully, once in the kitchen, Sadie seems to sense my stress levels. She pulls a bottle of rum from the cabinet and pours some into a coffee mug. Then, she starts the Keurig. Hot coffee pours into the mug along with the liquor. We're quiet as it fills. Once it's done, she pushes it along the counter to me.

"You like Lisa," she says softly.

Usually, I like a sprinkle of sugar in my coffee but tonight I'm after the numbing liquid that will have to suffice as a substitute. "She's my boss," I murmur as politely as I can manage despite the fury raging inside of me. And I don't like her. Not at all. Especially now.

"She doesn't bring women around. Ever. So you must be special," she tells me and offers me a small smile.

I clench my jaw and try desperately not to say anything I'll regret tomorrow. "I don't feel very special. I feel horrible and embarrassed. Poor Gwen." Even though Gwen seems to hate me, I can't help but feel remorse for her. Lisa is a cheating asshole. There was heat and desire in her eyes. The woman wanted to nail me, and had I let her, she would have.

"Oh, so you know?" she questions, her brows bunching together. "Don't you feel sorry for her?"

"Well, if I had to live with Lisa, I'd feel sorry for me too," I hiss at the seemingly nice woman. My anger is misplaced. I want to grab her by her stupid collar and shake her for leading me on.

"She's not so bad," Sadie teases. "Even if she is a bit of a neat freak. I think that's what bothers Gwen the most."

I gape at her as if she's lost her mind. Neatness is Gwen's problem with Lisa? What about her eager dick? The damn thing was hard for me.

"You girls having fun without me?" Gwen questions in a cool tone behind us. We both jerk around to stare at the small woman. Sadie glances at me and guilt shines in her eyes.

"I'm not feeling so well," I tell them both as I abandon the steaming mug of hot spiked coffee. "I think I'll catch a cab home."

Gwen narrows her eyes at me. "I could have sworn you rode in with Lisa. Is she not taking you home?"

Swallowing, I shake my head. "Nope."

At this, she scowls. "Well then I'm taking you home."

Before I can argue, she stomps into the dining room and announces it to them. I can hear her and Lisa arguing in hissed tones. Sadie simply offers me a sympathetic smile.

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